वस्र रखने का चमड़े का बेग Meaning in English
वस्र रखने का चमड़े का बेग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : leather bag
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चमड़े के अंगूर फर्न
चमड़े अंगूर फर्न
चमड़ा सिर
चमड़ा कमाने के काम आता है
वस्र-रखने-का-चमड़े-का-बेग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The handguard (goken) is still made of metal but the chain and weight replaced by rope and a leather bag.
In a leather bag hung around his neck, he carries the only letter that Lyndall ever wrote to him, just four words: "You must marry Em.
In 1978 she entered into her family’s business of manufacturing luxury leather bags, a company established by her grandfather in 1913.
In Zakopane they were often worn as ornaments for the "cucha" (outerwear), sweaters or occasionally on leather bags.