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ऊँची कीमत Meaning in English

ऊँची कीमत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : high price

ऊँची-कीमत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

इसमें वातानुकूलन, पॉवर विंडो इत्यादि सुविधाएं पहली बार दी गईं थीं, जो कि अब तक केवल ऊँची कीमत वाली आयातित कारों में ही होतीं थीं।

"" इसमें वातानुकूलन, पॉवर विंडो इत्यादि सुविधाएं पहली बार दी गईं थीं, जो कि अब तक केवल ऊँची कीमत वाली आयातित कारों में ही होतीं थीं।

शुरूआती दौर में मैकिन्टौश की बिक्री अच्छी थी, पर उसके बाद ऊँची कीमत और सीमित सॉफ्टवेयर के कारण बिक्री कमज़ोर हो गयी ।

व्यापारिक-चक्र के चढ़ाव के दौरान ऊँची राष्ट्रीय आय, अधिक उत्पादन, अधिक रोज़गार तथा ऊँची कीमतें पाई जाती हैं।

शॉर्ट कोड की 500-1000 डॉलर प्रति माह की ऊँची कीमतों के कारण कई छोटे व्यवसाय मासिक लागत को कम करने के क्रम में शॉर्ट कोड के साझा इस्तेमाल का विकल्प चुनते हैं।

ऊँची-कीमत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Dr Drasko Redjep notes that Konjović became aware of his own artistic worth very early and always maintained high prices of his paintings, but he also donated them with joyful generosity.

It hit the top of the arcade charts in Japan upon release, despite initially appearing almost solely in arcades owned by Sega itself, due to the cabinet's high price.

Maglev was not chosen due to its incompatibility with China's existing rail-and-track technology and its high price, which is two times higher than that of conventional rail technology.

The intelligence revealed NOAH as responsible for creating SGDS and distributing it through the world in order to develop and sell the vaccine at a high price.

But the demand continued, and in the face of bootleg versions and high prices being paid for second-hand copies, the album was re-released, with Thompson's consent, in 1997.

I made a provision in my estate, for whoever will take care of my blocks, that if any of my graphic works are selling for high prices immediate copies should be made to keep the price down.

By the turn of the century, the neighborhood has begun to quickly gentrify, with numerous, high priced luxury condos enriching the neighborhood's borders with the Central and Downtown East neighborhoods.

However, these and other enthusiastic reforms came at a high price: "By mid-1975, inflation hit 17.

Genuine works realized high prices, as, for example, at Sir William Hamilton's sale (1801), when Beckford paid 1,300 gns.

A striking example of the high prices given was the realized by the pair of Vandyck portraits of a Genoese senator and his wife in the Peel sale, 1900.

Between 1880 and the end of first decade of the 20th century the "appreciation" of the then modern continental schools, particularly the French, was considerbal; of high prices paid may be mentioned:.

The high price of the system limited its adoption severely, selling just several dozen systems and making its adoption largely limited to medical, aerospace engineering, and animation applications.

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