उच्च पुजारी Meaning in English
उच्च पुजारी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : high priest
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
हाई प्रोफाइलऊंचे दर्जे का
उच्च कोटि का देवदूत
उच्चकोटि की कला
उच्चकोटि की शैली या साहित्य
अत्युच्च रेडियो आवृत्ति
ऊंचा रेल
उच्च पदस्थ
उच्च राहत
उच्च पुनर्जागरण
उच्च संकल्प
ऊँचा उठाने वाला
उच्च जोखिम
ऊंची सड़क
बाँध,पुल की ऊँची सड़क
उच्च-पुजारी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
एफ ए मिशेल-हेजस ने कपाल के बारे में अपनी आत्मकथा, डेंजर माई ऐली (1954) के पहले संस्करण में केवल संक्षिप्त रूप से जिक्र किया, बिना यह बतलाए कि उसे कहां या किस के द्वारा पाया गया. उसने केवल दावा किया कि 'यह कम से कम 3,600 वर्ष पुराना है और किंवदंती के अनुसार इसका प्रयोग माया के उच्च पुजारी द्वारा गुप्त अनुष्ठान करने के समय किया जाता था।
बल्गेरियाई शाही परिवार, रईस, उच्च पुजारी, शिल्पकार और नागरिक इस पर रहते थे।
नाइगल टेरी 'ndash; आर्कियोप्टोल्मस, ट्रोजन का उच्च पुजारी।
""1970 में लिखे गए एक पत्र में अन्ना ने यह भी कहा, 'उसे कुछ बचे हुए माया द्वारा यह बतलाया गया था कि कपाल का प्रयोग उच्च पुजारी द्वारा मृत्यु की इच्छा के लिये किया जाता था।
1970 में लिखे गए एक पत्र में अन्ना ने यह भी कहा, 'उसे कुछ बचे हुए माया द्वारा यह बतलाया गया था कि कपाल का प्रयोग उच्च पुजारी द्वारा मृत्यु की इच्छा के लिये किया जाता था।
सीरिया के एमेसा (आधुनिक, होम्स) में जन्मी मैसा सूर्य के एमीसा मंदिर के उच्च पुजारी की बेटी और भविष्य की रोमन साम्राज्ञी जूलिया डोम्ना की बड़ी बहन थी।
उच्च-पुजारी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In this position, he was one of the two Nichiren Shoshu priests who traveled overseas to conduct the first initiation rites (Gojukai) for new believers outside Japan in 1961, for which the 66th high priest gave him the name "Etsuyo" (越洋: "he who crosses the seas").
On 22 July 1979, Abe took over as high priest, shortly after the death of the 66th High Priest Nittatsu Hosoi.
At that time, he changed his name three times: he initially changed his name to Nichi-gō (the name beginning with Nichi that all priests have but use publicly after certain seniority) from Nichiji (日慈) to finally Nikken (日顕) in deference to a more-senior priest who was father of the current high priest, Nichinyo.
On 4 December 2005, Abe announced his intention to step down as high priest before the end of the year.
He officially retired on 15 December 2005, four days before his 83rd birthday, after 26 years as high priest.
Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shōnin ascended to the high priest's seat at a ceremony on 16 December 2005.
Abe's tenure as high priest was marked by a mixture of progress and controversy.
In addition, Abe oversaw the compilation and publication of several important works, including compilations of previous high priests' letters, treatises, and sermons, and official biographies of Nichiren and his successors.
Since its 1992 excommunication, Soka Gakkai has adopted an accusation leveled by the Shoshinkai that Abe is a pretender to the high priest's position, on grounds that Abe was unable to substantiate proof his predecessor, High Priest Nittatsu Shonin, had transferred the position to him in the traditional ceremonial manner.
Abe was one of the few high priest in Nichiren Shoshu's history, after Nikko shonin (1246-1333), to reach 80 years of age while actively serving in the position.
Near Cabira probably at a village named Ameria, there was a temple with a great number of slaves belonging to it, and the high priest enjoyed this benefice.
He became a vernacular schoolmaster and started Satyaprakash, a weekly in Gujarati, in which he attacked what he perceived to be the immoralities of the Maharajas or hereditary high priests of the Pushtimarg Vaishnavism, to which the Bhatias belonged.