गौरवन्वित Meaning in English
गौरवन्वित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : glorified
, glorious
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
गौरवशाली क्रांतिवैभवपूर्ण राजकीय
महिमा छेद
शब्दाडंबर युक्त लेक्चर
गौरवन्वित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Townshend, especially, hoped that such a glorious achievement would lead to his being removed from the backwater of Mesopotamia and given command of a corps on the Western Front.
He held many important civic positions and founded the Knights of Saint Mary (also known as the Order of the glorious Saint Mary or Jovial Friars (Frati Gaudenti, in Latin)) in 1261.
Lee commented that the song, one of Cocker's best-known works, was a good example of Cocker's ability to be both gentle and "gloriously stirring".
The 202-meg cart featured new fighters, glorious backdrops and even slicker controls than the impressive original.
Arthur and Guenevere share an emotional farewell, his heart breaking when he sees that she has had all her glorious hair chopped off.
However, the Monthly Film Bulletin described the film as a "moving and enthrallingly interesting story of courage, endurance and self-sacrifice," praising it as "an outstanding achievement for all concerned" and singling out Pen Tennyson's "sensitive and skillful" direction and Robeson's "impressive presence" and "glorious voice".
Jenna Mullins from E! praised Conrad's return as being "shocking and glorious at the same time", and felt that "clearly [viewers] should all prefer the ending with Lauren Conrad".
Along with striker Nestor Combin, he formed a successful attacking partnership, preceding the glorious attacking partnership of Paolo Pulici and Francesco Graziani (i gemelli del gol, the goal twins) at Torino years later.
After travelling across the land, meeting townsfolks who aid them in their quest, while battling against enemies and creatures, both Kaor and Igor reach the sanctuary where Clovis resides and after finally defeating him, Beldor's soul is vanished from the land and their glorious victory is widespread all over the world.
| of glorious shape; yet while I live.
Saint Joseph you'll always be glorious.
David Sinclair in Q describes the album as a "glorious return to form", while the Entertainment Weekly reviewer found that "Days Like This, is too perfunctory to call it a return to form, but surprisingly, there is real spark.
His take on “One Night” — Presley’s foot-stomping rockabilly barnburner, which made it up to Number Four in 1957 — retains all the lustful passion of the original with gently buzzing guitar and as much glorious slap-back reverb as Danzig could find.
गौरवन्वित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Tchibo's lack of success in the British market was summarised by Retail Week as due to it being "a glorified pound shop" (US "dollar store").
Theodosius has been glorified (canonized) as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church.
The synoptic gospels include the account of the transfiguration of Jesus, during which he was glorified with "His face shining as the sun.
Another, much older, source says that ancient Romans glorified Velika Drenova's grapes and wine.
After arriving on Mars, he is resigned to his fate as a "glorified security guard".
His essay, written in 1954, "People in the Kolkhoz Village in Postwar Prose", which addressed the glorified portrayal of life in Communist Soviet Villages, was denounced by the Writers' Union and the Central Committee.
After the universal judgment, the righteous will reign for ever with Christ, glorified in body and soul.
According to Reformed Christians, glorification is a continuous, flowing process, whereby believers in Jesus the Christ, who have either died or who are raptured alive (called up into heaven), receive glorified, perfect bodies and souls, sinless and Christlike.
After the final judgement, all the righteous dead shall arise and their bodies will be perfected and will become a glorified body.
The château is a glorified playground, actually a maison de plaisance intended for brief stays while hunting in the Bois de Boulogne in a party atmosphere.
Antecedents are to be found in late 18th- and 19th-century Slavic Romanticism, which glorified the pre-Christian beliefs of Slavic societies.
Augustine: He says this, that ye be seen of men, because there are some who so do their righteousness before men that themselves may not be seen, but that the works themselves may be seen, and their Father who is in heaven may be glorified; for they reckon not their own righteousness, but His, in the faith of whom they live.