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आधे से Meaning in English

आधे से शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : by half
, half by

आधे-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

For example, United States Social Security payroll taxes are paid half by the employee and half by the employer.

The society's scientific journal – Oryx – The International Journal of Conservation – is published on its behalf by Cambridge University Press.

Half of the album was produced by Chapman, and half by Tony Visconti.

In recognition of his bravery, Joseph Burlazzi was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, which was accepted on his behalf by his brother, Guido.

The quarterback kneel is also often used at the end of the first half by a team which feels they have little chance of scoring before halftime due to poor field position.

Smith struggled early on, passing for just 37 yards in the first half; however he excelled in the second half by going 8 for 10 for 159 yards, and leading the Niners to three fourth-quarter touchdown drives.

Later, after getting ripped in half by the Juggernaut, Deadpool recovers at Al's apartment, which serves as the location where he teams up with Cable.

NZPA's own journalists also contributed to the national news wire, which by 2005 consisted of approximately 50 per cent each of copy contributed by the member newspapers and the other half by NZPA's own staff.

When Bright House Networks was separate from Time Warner Cable, most of its carriage deals were still negotiated on its behalf by Time Warner Cable.

Wolverine awakens to find his lower half missing, his body having been ripped in half by the Hulk minutes earlier.

In terms of the station's remit and other duties, the creation of the corporation meant little change; the new corporation would have to manage its own advertising, rather than this being carried out on its behalf by the local ITV contractors (see Funding).

1984: Launch of acid gas control program and commitment to cutting emissions in half by 1990.

The referee was knocked out during the match as Anderson had delivered a Mic Check to Ray, which allowed Aces " Eights to interfere on Ray's behalf by attacking Anderson and delivering a triple powerbomb to Anderson and Brooke Tessmacher delivering a low blow to Anderson.

आधे-से हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

इनमें से आधे से अधिक भारत में हैं।

निम्न क्षेत्रों का लगभग पूरा भाग या आधे से अधिक भाग मैदानी इलाकों का हिस्सा है:।

इसके मुक़ाबले में पृथ्वी के चन्द्रमा का व्यास लगभग ३,४७४ किमी है, यानि की टाइटेनिआ का अकार हमारे चन्द्रमा के आधे से ज़रा छोटा है।

गांव के रोजगार के मामले में अगर बात की जाए तो आधे से ज्यादा गांव सैन्य सेवा में लगा हुआ है और सब की रोजगार का साधन बना हुआ है तो कह सकते हैं कि बीसलपुर गांव फौजियों की संख्या में सबसे आगे है।

उदारवादी जर्मन-यहूदी विदेश मंत्री वाल्थर रत्थेऊ की हत्या के बाद उन्होंने संस्थान पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज आधे से महरूम करने से इनकार कर दिया, जिससे कम्युनिस्ट छात्रों ने अपने हमले को उकसाया।

एक अच्छी बात यह है कि चीरकलिक शीतपित्त के आधे से ज़्यादा मामलों में साल भर के अंदर काफ़ी सुधार देखा जा सकता है।

शुक्राणुनाशक तो अर्धसूत्रीविभाजन से गुजरते हैं, उनके गुणसूत्र संख्या को आधे से कम करते हैं, जो शुक्राणु पैदा करता है।

1962 के भारत-चीन युद्ध के दौरान, अरुणाचल प्रदेश के आधे से भी ज़्यादा हिस्से पर चीनी पीपल्स लिबरेशन आर्मी ने अस्थायी रूप से कब्जा कर लिया था।

आधे से अधिक मामले ओश में हुए हैं, जो एक प्रमुख नशीले पदार्थों की तस्करी के मार्ग पर है।

यहाँ आधे से अधिक गाँव में मीठा पानी उपलब्ध है तथा दिन 12 से 18 घंटे यहाँ बिजली रहती है।

पांच मुख्य उपग्रह है : मिरांडा, एरियल, अम्ब्रियल, टाईटेनिया और ओबेरॉन | यह युरेनस उपग्रहीय प्रणाली गैस दानवों के बीच सबसे कम बड़ी है; सचमुच, इन प्रमुख उपग्रहों का संयुक्त द्रव्यमान अकेले ट्राईटोन के आधे से भी कम होगा।

सन्‌ 64 में रोम नगर में अत्यंत रहस्यमय ढंग से आग की लपटें भड़क उठीं जिससे आधे से अधिक नगर जलकर खाक हो गया।

आधे से अधिक जहाज़ का हिस्सा पानी के ऊपर था परन्तु यह जल्द ली डूबने की कगार पे था।

आधे-से इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Mendte would be dropped from WWIQ on December 31, 2012, with the host claiming in retrospect that his tenure at "IQ" was "a big experiment" ("IQ's" overall ratings dropped by half during the period after Mendte's firing, from a 3.

The factory was closed in 1929, after Nestlé moved all its condensed milk production to Victoria, resulting in the town's population decreasing by half.

30 am and I was home by half past 10.

Maunsell's modifications included increasing the boiler pressure from to , and the reduction of the cylinder bore by half an inch.

In his seven starts over one mile (1,600 metres) he was only once defeated, by half-a-head in the Epsom Handicap.

Taken to Melbourne, he won the Caulfield Guineas in another race record time, from Avenger and Hua, only to lose the Victoria Derby by half a head from Hua.

He was best remembered for winning these 18 consecutive races and for being defeated at his next start in the 1939 Rawson Stakes at 40/1 on, in a three-horse race where he went down to Spear Chief by half a length.

He was second by half a neck to favourite Beau Vite in the 1940 WS Cox Plate and also finished second to High Caste in the Caulfield Stakes.

In the 1939 Rawson Stakes, he started as 40 to 1 on favourite and was defeated by Spear Chief by half a length.

The outsider Brisecoeur emerged as his only serious challenger, but Spearmint ran on strongly to win by half a length with Storm finishing third.

Prussian defeats at Jena and Auerstedt led to a humiliating settlement that reduced the size of the country by half.

Carrying top weight of 133 pounds, he settled into third place in the early running then sprinted clear down the stretch to win by half a length over Clem, who was carrying only 117 pounds.

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