अधखुला Meaning in English
अधखुला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : underopen
, half open
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आधे माध्यम से
अर्ध वार्षिक छुट्टी
अधखुला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
It feeds with its wings half open.
The coffin is placed in the front of the room for a 'last glance,' and is half open exposing the upper portion of the deceased's body.
Charles Harrison Townsend was one of the few architects who put pen to paper (in The Builder in 1908) on the subject and recommended that the walls be glazed brick for ease of washing, air gratings to be low (petrol fumes are heavier than air), and drains half open to avoid build-up of gases.
Foreman's vulnerable verses contain world-weary lines: "Maybe we've been living with our eyes half open/Maybe we're bent and broken.
It basks with its wings half open, but prefers shade to sun, and jungle or undergrowth to open areas.
3 piece, blade style, exhaust valves with three positions - closed, half open and fully open.
When basking it sits on the upperside of leaves of herbs or bushes with its hindwings pressed flat against the surface and its forewings held half open at an angle above the hindwings.
It often perches on edges of clearing with wings half open and has the habit of chasing away other butterflies and guarding its territory.