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आँकना Meaning in English

आँकना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to assess

आँकना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""आँकना- अंदाजना, अनुमान करना, अंदाजा लगाना, निरखना, समझना, कूतना, आकलन करना, प्राक्कलन।

मनुष्य के संपर्क में आनेवाली प्रत्येक वस्तु को उपयोगिता के मानदंड से आँकना वे उचित समझते थे और इसी कारण जीवन की सोद्देश्यता के प्रति वे सर्वदा जिज्ञासु बने रहे।

वर्ष 2001 की विषयवस्तु थी “पूर्ण सहभागिता और समानता: प्रगति आँकना और प्रतिफल निकालने के लिये नये पहुंच मार्ग के लिये आह्वान”।

भंगी या टॉयलेट से जड़े सफ़ाईकर्मियों के आदाद के अंदाज़े में सही आँकना काफ़ी मुश्किल है।

आँकना- अंदाजना, अनुमान करना, अंदाजा लगाना, निरखना, समझना, कूतना, आकलन करना, प्राक्कलन।

आँकना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

A trauma team of A"E doctors, general surgeons, specialist trauma surgeons, and anaesthetists is assembled prior to their arrival to assess and treat them.

Shortly after filming began, Sellers began to lose confidence in the project and when Spike Milligan arrived to shoot his scenes, Sellers asked him to assess the footage that had been shot thus far.

DiPiazza has been a member of the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation which has been mandated to assess the impact of the current U.

This is to assess the background rates of resistance to antibiotics (for example with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and may influence guidelines and public health measures.

Due to rapidly declining enrollment and mounting financial obligations, Joseph Martino employed the Meitler Consultants to assess the Catholic schools and provide recommendations to restructure the education system.

The goal of a clinical study is to assess the safety, efficacy, and / or the mechanism of action of an investigational medicinal product (IMP) or procedure, or new drug or device that is in development, but potentially not yet approved by a health authority (e.

Conducting ground-breaking empirical surveys to assess the quality and responsiveness of government services, patterns of corruption, and levels of violence, including the most comprehensive public opinion poll in Afghanistan.

The Association Constructor (AC) certification examination is used almost exclusively by University level Construction Management programs as a means to assess students knowledge.

More recently, there have been research articles that use ODC to assess the methods used for security evaluation, and expanded the scope of ODC.

Essentially, it is an extended period of discernment for the postulants and an opportunity for the congregation to assess the strengths of the candidates and possible areas requiring growth.

The test station evaluates weight, growth, morphology, fertility, calving ability and milking ability in order to assess their maternal qualities.

The School-Age core battery contains subtests that can be used to assess children ages 7 years to 17 years 11 months.

The subtests can also be used to assess children ages 5 years to 6 years 11 months who may be cognitively gifted.

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