बोझिल Meaning in English
बोझिल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : burdensome
, heavy
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
भारपूर्वकभारवाही जंतु
भारी शरीरवाला
वज़नी बूट
भारी वक्ष स्थल वाली
भारी वक्ष वाली
भारी शुल्क
जड की भाँति विसर्पी वृद्धि
भारी उद्जन
ज़बरदस्त श्रम
भारी उठापटक
भारी लदान
चिकनी मिट्टी
बोझिल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
When they reached the river, they found it swollen by heavy rains, and the few fords were defended by irregular Muslim cavalry under British officers, later reinforced by some of the troops marching up from Multan.
Fox Business Happy Hour, an American financial program aired on the Fox Business Network The columbiad was a large-caliber, smoothbore, muzzle-loading cannon able to fire heavy projectiles at both high and low trajectories.
Their advance was supported by both field artillery and the heavy guns of Turgut Reis and the other warships positioned off the coast; the assault gained the Ottomans about by nightfall.
A visit to any of the island's four villages will bring with it the unceasing and hypnotic sound of heavy wooden clubs striking repeatedly against something solid.
In low-strain zones they preserve graded bedding, cross-bedding and heavy mineral-rich horizons.
Mark Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes was born at Dalton, Northumberland, the eldest of five children of industrialist Maurice Fiennes, who was later knighted by Prime Minister Harold Wilson for his services to the export of British heavy engineering products, and his wife Sylvia Joan (née Finlay).
The regiment (or elements of the regiment) would experience heavy action over the following seven months at Maktar, Tebourba, Medjez el Bab, the Battle of Kasserine Pass (where American forces were pushed back), and Gafsa.
Monsoon: During monsoon (from early-July to mid-September), Panchkula receives moderate to heavy rainfall and sometimes heavy to very heavy rainfall (generally during the month of August or September).
On the following night, 28"nbsp;February, Perth and Houston were attempting to break through the Sunda Strait to Australia when they encountered a Japanese invasion fleet escorted by an aircraft carrier, a seaplane tender, four heavy cruisers, a light cruiser and eleven destroyers.
Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, noted that they were "a bona fide experimental outfit, and the band's eponymous debut album featured a mix of heavy synthesiser kinetics, organ drones and pulsating electronic beats".
The new engine was designed for robust, heavy-duty performance with maximum efficiency.
The china clay industry was subjected to heavy swings in its trade cycle, and a slump in 1903-4 was followed by an upsurge.
These include: Algebra I, Geometry, Math Analysis I " II (a highly rigorous 2-year Precalculus with Limits course with a heavy emphasis on Algebra II and Trigonometry), AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, Multivariable Calculus, and AP Statistics.
बोझिल हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
शेष दो उपन्यासों में उन्होंने अपने अनुभव क्षेत्र के बाहर बढ़ने का प्रयास किया और डॉ॰ जॉन्सन की गंभीर तथा बोझिल शैली को अपनाया, जिसके फलस्वरूप उन्हें सफलता से वंचित होना पड़ा।
.. [लेबर पेन्स] अलेज़ान्द्रा स्टैनले ने कहा 'लोहान अपने किरदार को इतना बोझिल बना देती हैं कि वो कभी मुक्त ही नहीं हो पाती'।
बाण की भाषा शैली प्रौढ़ है, यद्यपि विशेषणों की बहुलता को आडंबर बताकर अनेक आलोचकों ने उसे बोझिल, गतिहीन और अल्पसार बताया है।
छात्रों तथा घटनाओं की बहुलता के बावजूद उपन्यास न कहीं बोझिल होता है न कहीं नीरस।
उन्होंने 'विराटा की पद्मिनी' और 'गढ़ कुंडार' जैसे ऐतिहासिक रोमांस और 'झाँसी की रानी' जैसा इतिहास-बोझिल उपन्यास भी लिखा; किंतु 'मृगनयनी' जैसे संतुलित उपन्यास भी आए।
बाबू गुलाबराय के निबंध गंभीर थे, बोझिल नहीं (प्रभासाक्षी)।
कुछ मॉडल है जिन्हें उपयोगकर्ता की एक बोझिल मेनू इंटरफ़ेस के नेविगेट करने के लिए अक्सर ओवरराइड रखने की आवश्यकता होती है।
यदुनाथ सरकार की प्रभावशाली और सारगर्भित अंग्रेज़ी अपेक्षाकृत क्लासिक होते हुए भी बोझिल नहीं है।
व्यवसाय को 'मेन स्ट्रीट की तुलना में अधिक बोझिल' के रूप में वर्णित किया गया था।
उदाहरण के लिए, शिकारी, सिंहनी, में नर की तरह मोटे बोझिल अयाल का अभाव होता है।
संस्कृत शब्दों के अत्यधिक प्रयोग तथा अलंकार के चमत्कार के चक्कर में पड़ जाने से रचना बोझिल और क्लिष्ट हो गयी है।
कथन में प्रवाह नहीं है और उपन्यास घटना-प्रधान होते हुए भी आमतौर पर बोझिल-सा बना रहता है।
शैली कृत्रिम तथा अलंकारों से बोझिल हो गई और शब्दचयन में भी पांडित्य का आडंबर खड़ा हुआ।
बोझिल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
585 (1991), was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that United States federal courts will enforce forum selection clauses so long as the clause is not unreasonably burdensome to the party seeking to escape it.
Whether the trial is so complex, the gathering of witnesses and evidence so burdensome, or the fact situation so unusual that a continuance should be granted.
2007): In a concurring opinion, Cabranes urged the Supreme Court to revisit and clarify its precedents on pleading standards in order to determine whether they strike the right balance between the need to deter unlawful conduct and the dangers of exposing public officials to burdensome litigation.
That has left many Okinawans feeling that the security agreement may be beneficial to the United States and Japan as a whole, but it is burdensome to the residents of the small subtropical island.
The government accepted this, but with burdensome terms to be imposed; Malaka thus did not return home.
To do this, the committee was charged with making recommendations that were "culturally suitable, non-burdensome to administration, efficient for nationwide distribution and vendor checkout, and cost-neutral.
Egypt saddled Sudan with a burdensome bureaucracy and expected the country to be self-supporting.
Finding little risk in the ability to save the game anywhere, Ireland's team added a "cost" component to the game's save feature, where players would have to spend points earned after battles to record their progress, remarking that "[we] wanted to make the player think about where and when to save without making it too burdensome".
Herodotus wrote: "When life is so burdensome, death has become for man a sought-after refuge".
The effect would be to sever an unwelcome and burdensome link between Britain and the Free State, thereby enhancing Irish independence.
Griffin outside of the Pensacola Women's Medical Services clinic located in Pensacola, Florida This increase in violence had become very burdensome to local law enforcement.
For a mentally fatigued person, paying attention to something uninteresting is burdensome, even though focusing on something of great interest poses no particular challenge.
They used hand-held cameras which could shoot well in tight quarters generating a familiarity that more costly and more burdensome cameras could not rival.