अल्पव्ययितापूर्वक Meaning in English
अल्पव्ययितापूर्वक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : short-spent
, frugally
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
फल से बना केक
फल केक
हवा से गिरा फल
फल खाने वाला
फल का मजा
फल उत्पादक
फलों की गुठली
फलमिश्रित पेस्ट्री
अल्पव्ययितापूर्वक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The separatist movement rose from the conflict between the Regency of Prince Pedro meant to rule frugally and started by cutting his own salary, centralizing scattered government offices and selling off most of the royal [and Ammonium acetate, also known as spirit of Mindererus in aqueous solution, is a chemical compound with the formula NH4CH3CO2.
Although known for living frugally, Meyer gave to many charities, in particular the Salvation Army, and became known for his philanthropy.