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फलातू Meaning in English

फलातू शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : flatu
, fruit

फलातू इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Lesser short-nosed fruit bat (C.

It is an agricultural based town, with lucerne, fruit, vegetable, chicken and egg farms.

This includes leaves and fruit high in nutrients and water, but low in fiber and cellulose.

Apart from tourism, their main livelihood is in marginal agriculture and gathering the fruits that grow wild in the forest to sell to local markets.

The writer of Puthen pana, Arnos Padiri was lived and died here in Pazhuvil formerly Known as Pazhayoor "the land of fruits".

With an estimated population of 348 people, the island is lush in pandanus, breadfruit and taro.

Since Roman times, pigs have been released into beech and oak woodlands to feed on the acorn and beech mast, and into fruit orchards to eat fallen fruit.

" The term "fruit" refers to the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, which provides that in criminal trials, courts may not admit evidence obtained as an indirect result of a search that violated the Fourth Amendment.

A study to remove the MD-11's tail-mounted engine (which would have made it a twinjet) never came to fruition as it would have been very expensive, and the MD-11 had very little in common in terms of design or type rating with other Boeing airliners.

In 2020, researchers at the University of Queensland were researching a fruit native to Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory, Buchanania obovata, known as the green plum.

These winds occurred over the state's core citrus-producing areas—De Soto, Hardee, Lake, Orange, Polk, and Sarasota counties—resulting in the loss of approximately 25"nbsp;million boxes of fruit.

Good Housekeeping says it can be used mixed with vinegar to attract and drown fruit flies.

The first modern fruit snack was Joray Fruit Rolls, which were developed by confectioner Louis Shalhoub in the 1970s.

फलातू हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

यूरोप में तर्कशास्त्र का प्रवर्तक एवं प्रतिष्ठाता यूनानी दार्शनिक अरस्तू (३८४-३२२ ई० पू०) समझा जाता है, यों उससे पहले कतिपय तर्कशास्त्रीय समस्याओं पर वैतंडिक (सोफिस्ट) शिक्षकों, सुकरात तथा अफलातून या प्लेटो द्वारा कुछ चिंतन हुआ था।

"" अफलातून प्रत्यक्ष की बहुता को, उसके सार की पृथक् सत्ता मानकर, निस्सार एवं असत्य सिद्ध करना चाहता था।

"" इसके फलस्वरूप पुरानी शैली के बहुत से तत्वों का पुनर्जन्म हुआ और अफलातून तथा अरस्तू के मुख्य सिद्धांतों को ईसाई धर्मशास्त्र में सम्मानपूर्ण स्थान मिला।

इसके नाम से यह अनुमान करना कि यह अफलातून के मत का अनुवर्तन मात्र था, समीचीन नहीं।

"" अफलातून का मत था कि हानि पहुँचानेवाले की हानि करना अनुचित है।

इनके अनिष्टकारी प्रभावों का विरोध अफलातून ने मुक्तकंठ से किया और उनके पश्चात् अरस्तू ने इस शास्त्र का वैज्ञानिक विवेचन कर गद्य की विभिन्न शैलियों पर ऐसा प्रकाश डाला कि उनका विवेचन आज तक प्रमाणिक माना जाता है।

फलातून तथा उनके शिष्य अरस्तू दार्शनिक होने के साथ ही साहित्यसमीक्षक भी थे।

वास्तव में एथेंस ही युनानी उच्च शिक्षा का विद्यानगर था जहाँ सुकरात, ज़ेनोफन, अफलातून और अरस्तू जैसे विद्वान्‌ शिक्षाशास्त्री और दार्शनिक विद्यमान थे।

इसके फलस्वरूप पुरानी शैली के बहुत से तत्वों का पुनर्जन्म हुआ और अफलातून तथा अरस्तू के मुख्य सिद्धांतों को ईसाई धर्मशास्त्र में सम्मानपूर्ण स्थान मिला।

अरस्तू ने अफलातून के सामान्यवादी दर्शन में तत्काल कोई विशेष परिवर्तन तो नहीं किया, किंतु उसने इस बात पर बल दिया कि 'पदार्थ' और $आकार$ वस्तु के दो सहयोगी कारण हैं।

इस प्रकार, अफलातून के सामान्यतावाद (यूनीवर्सलिज्म) के विरुद्ध एंतिस्थिनीज़ ने 'नामवाद' (नामिनलिज्म) की स्थापना की।

प्रसिद्ध दार्शनिक अफलातून (प्लेटो) ने इसी जनोद्यान में एथेंस के प्रथम दर्शन विद्यापीठ की स्थापना की।

फलातून (प्लेटो) ने सत्ता की समस्या पर विचार करते हुए वस्तुओं के 'सार' को सत्ता स्वीकार किया।

फलातू इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

According to one source, it may be named due to its sound resembling that of flatulence: Hemingstone cites this old Latin extract from the Liber Feodorum or Book of Fees.

Trachelospermum inflatum (Blume) Pierre ex Pichon - Java, Sumatra.

Beano (dietary supplement), used to prevent flatulence.

The base of the Lutetian stage is at the first appearance of the nanofossil Blackites inflatus, according to an official reference profile (GSSP) established in 2011.

He gained this power as a result of consuming a can of radioactive pea soup, pea soup being the stereotypical flatulence-inducing dish in Finland.

Samson/Adon, attacks by gyrating and flatulating.

In alternative medicine, peppermint extract is used to treat symptoms of the common cold and the flu, and to relieve bloating and flatulence.

The show uses a lot of violence and toilet humor based on snot, vomit, feces, flatulence, drool, veins popping out of muscular parts, and various other bodily fluids coming from the cast.

Being made with caraway rather than juniper, it had one main advantage: caraway has a calmative effect, reducing flatulence and the bloated feeling experienced after a heavy meal.

When Sophie announces she is thirsty, the BFG treats her to a delicious fizzy drink called "Frobscottle", which features bubbles that go downwards rather than upwards, which causes the drinker to flatulate; this is known as "whizzpopping" to giants, and causes the drinker to soar and shoot around the place.

Motilium (against flatulence"nbsp;— and bowel impairments.

Poochano Pavarachi, a parody of Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti, who sang about his bean-induced flatulence problem and presided over the Out of Gas segment (see below).

Out of Gas - Italian tenor Poochano Pavarachi would lead a group of kids in a flatulence-themed Musical chairs variant, where all the chairs were equipped with whoopee cushions; the sole survivor would win a prize.

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