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अन्तराल Meaning in English

अन्तराल शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : space
, gap

अन्तराल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In mid-2017 Freedman moved to Singapore to train horses there, taking over the stables of New Zealand-born Laurie Laxon.

In fulguration mode, the electrode is held away from the tissue, so that when the air gap between the electrode and the tissue is ionized, an electric arc discharge develops.

04 had been nominated for "Best Event Experience" in the 2005 Singapore Tourism Awards, the Police said that, "the event is likely to be organised as a gay party which is contrary to public interest in general".

OAC was the first locally owned insurance company to be set up in Singapore.

The incident was Singapore's first encounter with international terrorism.

The house remained the Salvation Army's centre of operations for over 50 years, except during the Japanese occupation of Singapore.

In the early 1990s, it created Singapore's first telephone banking service which was manned 24 hours by CitiPhone officers.

She reached Subic Bay on the 27th but remained only three days, putting to sea again on the 30th bound for Singapore.

Access-control gates found in Singapore's MRT and LRT stations have evolved in design " features over the years.

There are also 64 burials for World War I, including special memorials for three men who were buried in civil cemeteries in Singapore and Saigon, and whose graves were impossible to locate till this day.

He then spent a short spell in Singapore with Geylang United, in which he scored once during his three matches there.

अन्तराल हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" इस प्रकार सम्पूर्ण महाभारत ३ वर्षों के अन्तराल में लिखी गयी।

अन्य चिरकारी विकार: अन्तरालीय मूत्राशय शोथ (इन्टर्स्टिशल सिस्टाइटिस), अन्य चिरकारी दर्द संलक्षण जैसे कि संवेदनशील आंत्र संलक्षण (सिंड्रोम) या फाइब्रोमायल्जिआ (Fibromyalgia) से सम्बद्ध हो सकता है।

यदि यह फलन अन्तराल [a,'nbsp;b] में सतत हो और f(a) तथा fके चिह्न विपरीत हों तो a और b को मूल का 'ब्रैकेट' कहते हैं क्योंकि मूल इसी बीच में कहीं होगा।

इंटरग्लोमेरुलर मेसानजिअल कोशिकाए केशिकास्तवक के एनडोथीलिअल कोशिकाओ के बीच के अन्तराल में पे जाते हैं।

किसी एक सूचक वर्ष में विल्डबीस्ट के झुंड के शावक एक छोटे से अन्तराल में ही पैदा हो जाते हैं (तीन सप्ताह के अन्दर तकरीबन ९० फ़िसदी पैदा होते हैं), जिससे भावी शिकारियों, जैसे सिंह, जंगली कुत्तों, चीतों, तेंदुओं और लकड़बग्घों को शिकार की बहुतायत हो जाये और ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा शावकों के बचने की संभावना बढ़ जाये।

परिणामस्वरूप, प्रोबैबिलिटी (अधिसम्भाव्यता) (अधिसम्भाव्यता) में साधारणतः फ़ज़ीनेस के सिवा कुछ नहीं है, ये तो मात्र अलग-अलग अवधारणाएं हैं जो बाहर से एक जैसी लगती हैं क्योंकि इनमें वास्तविक संख्याओं [0, 1] के एक जैसे अन्तराल का प्रयोग होता है।

१५ अगस्त १९४७ को लंबे अन्तराल के बाद, प्रतीक्षित स्वतंत्रता हासिल की और देश के बाकी हिस्सों के साथ साथ आ आज़ादी का जश्न हर्षौल्लास के साथ मनाया गया।

""अकबर द्वारा जज़िया और हिन्दू तीर्थों पर लगे कर हटाने के सामयिक निर्णयों का हिन्दुओं पर कुछ खास प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा, क्योंकि इससे उन्हें कुछ खास लाभ नहीं हुआ, क्योंकि ये कुछ अन्तराल बाद वापस लगा दिए गए।

अब इस अन्तराल का मध्य बिन्दु निकालते हैं:।

इस प्रकार सम्पूर्ण महाभारत ३ वर्षों के अन्तराल में लिखी गयी।

भिक्षुणी की अनुमति से रानी की परिचारिका मालविका के शिक्षक आचार्य गणदास यवनिका के अन्तराल से सुसज्जिता शिष्या (मालविका) को रंगभूमि में ले आये।

झूला:यदि झूले को धक्का देते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि धक्का उसी अन्तराल पर दें जो झूले का प्राकृतिक आवर्तकाल है, तो उस झूले का आयाम बढतअ ही चला जाता है।

फिर सूखे पाउडर कों बायोडीग्रेडेबल डिबिया में रखा जाता है, जो मिट्टी के ऊपर परतों में दफनाया जाता है, जहाँ उसे एरोबिक बैक्टीरिया,६-१२ म्हने के अन्तराल में ही धरण में बदल देते हैं।

अन्तराल इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The space industries.

An exhibition space dedicated to First Toa Payoh Secondary's achievements and heritage was also set up.

The ruins of the church are now a popular tourist attraction and a pleasant public space.

The shootout was believed to be motivated by the fact that one of the victims changed his Myspace page bio to read "garden gang".

Established in the late 1959 to develop nuclear space propulsion technologies for the government, the lab was located, for most of its history, in the paradoxically small town of "Large" along Pa.

" However, work on the project helped achieve major milestones in developing high-temperature/high-strength materials technology, which finds application in aerospace and a myriad of private-sector industries.

The former WANL/AESD/FPSD Large site closed for good in the early 1990s, and space was leased to a range of commercial tenants.

As of 2007, PMTI was still melting, processing and testing alloys such as niobium-base, tantalum-base, and vanadium-base compositions for a range of customers, particularly in the aerospace sector.

Myspace profile - downloadable and/or streaming MP3s, current tour dates.

The space between these two structures is filled by an accompanying mosque which was also built as part of the complex.

Competitors for ferry passengers or dock space were ruthlessly run out of business, and not even stage coach lines could escape the group's notice, or wrath.

This formal space was never completed due to ground level problems and Glenogle Baths (1897) were instead built on the corner of the square.

The campaign setting was similar to the 1989 version but in Mutant RYMD the corporations put much effort into space exploration and colonization, eventually reaching a fictional tenth planet named Nero and awakening an evil, supernatural force that attacks the solar system.

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