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गरबे Meaning in English

गरबे शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : Garb
, garba

गरबे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Once inside, Tony realizes that Brink's is anything but a fortress and that employees treat the money "like garbage.

While the Indian Army has a somewhat better record, Doordarshan and All India Radio (both state-owned, revealingly) are notorious for calmly dumping most of their garbage down the hillsides of the Cantonment.

Lastly, note that, as JavaScript uses mark-and-sweep garbage-collection, there is never any memory leakage from throw statements because the browser automatically cleans dead objects"mdash;even with circular references.

Prior to forming, Bobby and Adam had a show called Experiment, where they played at schools and camps, where they played with drum kits, garbage cans and [drum]s.

Many programming languages (for example, Java, C#, D, Dylan) use automatic garbage collection.

In the first episode of the show, a character mentions he attended the high school shortly before being murdered by Christopher Moltisanti over a garbage disposal dispute.

The garbage collector is able to determine if an object is reachable; any object that is determined to no longer be reachable can be deallocated.

Though normally solitary and nomadic, some will group together in burrows, holes, empty garbage or even under houses.

Mangaldeep Agarbatti.

In Harelson's garden, police found two headless bodies of Paiute children wrapped in plastic garbage bags.

In dynamic memory allocation implementations that employ a garbage collector, objects are reclaimed after they become unreachable.

The beach is not well maintained, with garbage littering the entire area.

गरबे हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

पॉल शुगरबेकर ने वॉशिंग्टन कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट में तापीय इंट्राऑपरेटिव इंट्रापेरिटोनियल की कीमोथेरपी के नामक विधि विकसित की।

इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान निकलने वाले अंकुर को ’’नागरबेल’’ कहते हैं।

एक वर्ष होने पर नगरबेल के दो पान के पत्ते छोंडकर अन्य पान बिक्री के लिए भेज दिए जाते हैं।

"" तांबूल के अतिरिक्त नागवल्ली, नागवल्लीदल, तांबूली, पर्ण (जिससे हिंदी का पान शब्द निकला है), नागरबेल (गुजराती) आदि इसके नाम हैं।

बंगला, मलबारी, कपूरी, या नागरबेल के पत्ते के डंठल का रस मस्से पर लगाने से मस्से झड़ जाते हैं।

तांबूल के अतिरिक्त नागवल्ली, नागवल्लीदल, तांबूली, पर्ण (जिससे हिंदी का पान शब्द निकला है), नागरबेल (गुजराती) आदि इसके नाम हैं।

गरबे इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Over the years, the club has featured players like: Nacho Rodríguez, Berni Rodríguez, Carlos Cabezas, Jorge Garbajosa, Marcus Brown, Sergei Babkov, Michael Ansley, Louis Bullock, and Kenny Miller, as well as numerous other well-known players.

Jorge Garbajosa – 2006.

Jorge Garbajosa – 2005.

Jorge Garbajosa – 2005, 2006.

the inter-communal association for the single purpose of Oztibarre Garbi;.

the joint association Garbiki;.

the inter-communal association for sanitation of Ur Garbi;.

Yoga concepts The Garbuna Group of volcanoes consists of three volcanic peaks, Krummel, Garbuna, and Welcker, atop a shield volcano.

Garbuna contains a large thermal field, probably Papua New Guinea's largest.

Until recently, it was assumed that the Garbuna volcano was probably dormant, or perhaps extinct.

However, on 17 October 2005 the Garbuna volcano erupted without warning.

Garbuna is less than 20"nbsp;km to the west of Kimbe, the main urban centre of West New Britain and the location of an important palm oil industry.

Martin Garbus and Horowitz had mixed results on a case involving author Terry McMillan ("How Stella Got Her Groove Back") who sued her ex-husband for '40 million.

Horowitz and Garbus represented the authors of the book, "The Muslim Mafia" in a federal lawsuit filed against the authors by the target of the book, the organization called "CAIR".

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