अनुशीलन करना Meaning in English
अनुशीलन करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to study
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अधीन करनापिचकना
गुज़ारा करना
बाद करना
बन जाना
लहू चूसना
दूध पिलाना
कलेजा जलना
कलुषित करना
अध्यारोपित करना
अधीक्षण करना
पर्यवेक्षण करना
हाथ जोड़ना
अनुशीलन-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
संस्कृत भारती के सौन्दर्य और माधुर्य की पराकाष्ठा का अवलोकन करना हो, तो ‘गीतगोविन्द’ का अनुशीलन करना चाहिए।
""सौतांत्रिक न्याय का समुचित परिचय प्राप्त करने के लिए कुमारलात, श्रीलाभ, धर्मत्रात, बुद्धदेव और यशोमित्र आदि बौद्ध पंडितों के ग्रंथों का अनुशीलन करना चाहिए।
अनुशीलन-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
She attended Park School in Glasgow before going on to study medicine at the University of Glasgow, graduating with her MB ChB in 1967.
Planning for a modern, urban rapid transit system in California did not begin until the 1950s, when California's legislature created a commission to study the Bay Area's long-term transportation needs.
Cheyne went to the University of Edinburgh and the University of Aberdeen to study medicine.
By including only those organisms that naturally exist together, biotopes can be used to study ecological interactions in a relatively natural setting.
agent named Mainspring who headed a project called the Gatekeepers, whose goal is to study and destroy Phalanx technology.
Mazumdar went to Ballarat College, Melbourne University in Australia to study malting and brewing.
Father of Elijah Howard Shawn moved to Manhattan at age 19 to study acting at New York University.
Unlike strictly logical approaches (which focus on the study of argument as product), or purely communication approaches (which emphasize argument as a process), pragma-dialectics was developed to study the entirety of an argumentation as a discourse activity.
He had also used Kryptonite to capture Supergirl in order to study her DNA on Lex Luthor's behalf.
Cherry used shadowing tasks to study this problem, which involve playing two different auditory messages to a participant's left and right ears and instructing them to attend to only one.
UDEM offers a number of choices to study abroad; UDEM has established bilateral, reciprocal and unilateral agreements, as well as arrangements through academic exchange agencies.
Students will learn to properly speak English as a second language and choose whether or not to study abroad in countries such as the United States, Canada or Europe.
This enabled him to save enough to study in Vienna.