अधीनीकरण Meaning in English
अधीनीकरण शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : subjugation
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अधीनीकरण इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The city has a population of 14,054 inhabitants and along with Tena and Puyo served under Spanish rule as one of Ecuador's main staging points for the colonization of the Amazon and the subjugation of its indigenous peoples.
Though once independent rulers, most Fons were brought under the German rule or military subjugation during the colonial period.
Additionally, in an effort to subvert the male-dominated system, Gilman inadvertently transcends this male subjugation into a different form—Lynne Evans states that the over emphasis on children invokes a subjugating system similar to the patriarchy.
He was convinced that free labor would be far more profitable to the land, and that the peasant himself would be better if released from subjugation.
The destruction of the Salassi and the subjugation of the Liguri in 14 BC must have convinced Cottius "to press the advantage and use his control of the Alpine passes as leverage for an alliance with Rome that would allow him to maintain his position.
Letters written to the editor of the College Times complained about this appointment process, and claimed that the stewards' only purpose was to hold the prayer hall in subjugation after the principal and masters had left (which they would do after a call of "Stewards will take charge").
As in most parts of Latin America the idea of black inferiority compared to the white race has been historically propagated due to the subjugation of African slaves.
These conflicts mainly rose due to Frederick's declaration of peace in 1338, which drastically diminished the rights and influence of the small landlords and the local rulers, and which goal was the subjugation of the latter two groups.
The Norwegian subjugation of the Isles, and subsequent capture of Lǫgmaðr, are recounted by several sources.
She completed her mental subjugation of Doctor Druid, and directed him to take over leadership of the Avengers.
Amara's position was clear:," quoting Amara as stating, "The veil is the visible symbol of the subjugation of women," the article goes on to conclude, "and therefore has no place in the mixed, secular spaces of France's public school system.
Some, like Nina Garsoïan or John Haldon, place both events in 878; the French Byzantinist Paul Lemerle, followed by other scholars like Mark Whittow and Warren Treadgold, placed the battle in 872 and the final subjugation of Tephrike years later, in 878 (Treadgold in 879).