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अत्याचार करना Meaning in English

अत्याचार करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to oppress

अत्याचार-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

शक्ति पाकर दुर्गम ने लोगों पर अत्याचार करना आरम्भ कर दिया और धर्म के क्षय ने गंभीर सूखे को जन्म दिया और सौ वर्षों तक कोई वर्षा नहीं हुई ।

* 633 फील्ड (कृषि) और वृक्षारोपण साम्प्रदायिक उत्पीड़न (Religious persecution) से आशय है किसी व्यक्ति या व्यक्तियों के समूह के साथ केवल इस कारण दुर्व्यवहार/अत्याचार करना कि वे किसी विशेष पन्थ को मानते हैं या किसी विशेष मत को नहीं मानते।

""मक्का वालों ने कमज़ोर मुसलमानों पर अत्याचार करना तेज़ कर दिया जिसको देखकर मुहम्मद साहब ने अल्लाह से दुआ की तो अल्लाह ने मदीने जाने का आदेश दिया।

जंगल महल में गरीब किसानों पर सन् 1765 ईस्वी में ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने अत्याचार करना शुरू किया क्यूँकि दिल्ली के मुगल सम्राट बादशाह शाह आलम से बंगाल, बिहार, उडीसा की दीवानी हासिल कर ली था तथा राजस्व वसूलने के लिए नये उपाय करने लगे।

अत्याचार-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Nevertheless, some Copts felt relief because alien Patriarchs were no longer appointed by Byzantium to oppress the Egyptian church.

Benjamin's effort and intercession brought comfort to oppressed Copts.

This inspired the single 'Gold Burger', a tribute to oppressed peoples, delivered on a global scale, and featuring samples of the ANC choir.

Ned Kelly was just 24 when he was killed, and despite limited schooling, was provably a highly intellectual and articulate writer against the right of the wealthy privileged few to oppress the masses.

Mill brushes over the situation of intervening on the side of governments who are trying to oppress an uprising of their own, saying "government which needs foreign support to enforce obedience from its own citizens, is one which ought not to exist".

(Twitter link: Rena Nasar, a StandWithUs campus director, told the student-run news website Campus Reform that "blaming the Jewish state for every problem in the world is virulent anti-Semitism, echoing rhetoric that has led to oppression and violence against Jews for centuries.

In fact, it must be whites who are insecure and filled with self-hatred, since they are the ones who need to oppress blacks in order to cope with life.

Then Yi began to oppress Buddhism and Confucianism, executed many civilian administrators and scholars, raped royal family members and forced the Crown Prince to marry his daughter.

The Torah commands us, first, not to oppress the ger, and then to befriend and love him.

The act was controversial as supporters of the act saw it as an attempt by a community that had just gained independence to distance themselves from their colonial masters, while its opponents viewed it as an attempt by the linguistic majority to oppress and assert dominance on minorities.

Rejnman explained that he killed Gagarin because he had been exposed to oppression and had lost his rank.

This university was the only university in Korea at the time due to oppression by Japan.

In the beginning, both editorials and communications urged united resistance to oppression, praised patriotism, and denounced tyranny; as events and public sentiment developed these grew more vigorous, often a little more radical than the populace.

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