अच्छी लग रही हो Meaning in English
अच्छी लग रही हो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : look good
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
इधर देखोमें देखना
में देखो
लग इन करना
आंख से आंख मिलाकर देखना
उम्र की तरह दिखना
अंधे की तरह खोजना
विक्षिप्त की तरह देखना
साबुन जैसा दिखाई देना
किसी के जैसा लगना
वैसे ही दिखना
प्रेमभरी नज़र से देखना
बाहर देखो
अलग से दिखना
के उपर से दिखना
अच्छी-लग-रही-हो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Batchelor wrote:"There is no use trying to dodge the somber truth, Dauss does not look good.
CG bone claws were also created for some scenes because the props did not look good in close-ups.
From now on, Rance's TV series will show what those men could really do instead of just making Rance look good.
Powers and Roma both went back to being "enhancement talent" who would lose to bigger stars to make them look good.
who want to look good and feel better, who maximize your qualities and analyze the defects you project onto the world.
According to Wells, after a board member of WCLF objected to them on the show as lacking in spirituality (saying, "They look good, they sound good, but I just don't feel The Spirit moving there"), Wells and his wife were let go from WCLF after only three months.
IRENE: But I don’t look good in that color.
In the animated series World's Greatest Heroes, Johnny Storm hires a freelance photographer to help make him look good to the public.
Aside from issues with unnecessary treatment (prostate cancer treatment is by no means without risk), overdiagnosis makes a study look good at picking up abnormalities, even though they are sometimes harmless.
" She also said that because of long distances, American actors or those of other nationalities were avoided: "Transporting actors from [Los Angeles] to Rome on a regular basis does not look good for the budget.
She takes him aside and asks him various questions about the works of art and comments that some pieces may look good in their home.
Describing the video, True noted in NIRVANA: The True Story that "Kurt was featured as a young child on the cover, and played bass wearing one of Courtney's dresses in the video (filmed before Kristen joined the band) - thus confirming the lyric, "You look good in my dress / My beautiful son".
In order to look good in front of the Brooklyn-born nurse (Gloria Grahame) who scolded him for not making friends, he agrees, even going so far as to saying what would really fix Jamie up would be for him to come to Brooklyn.