अलग से दिखना Meaning in English
अलग से दिखना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : look out for
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
के उपर से दिखनालुक छिप कर
लुक छिप कर शिकार का पीछा
तेज दिखना
संदेहास्पद दृष्टि से देखना
सबसे अधिक आकर्षक दिखना
दूसरी ओर देखना
बहुत ही दिखाई देना
बहुत ही खुश दिखाई देना
बहुत ही स्वस्थ दिखाई देना
बहुत ही सरल दिखाई देना
बहुत ही कंजूश दिखाई देना
बहुत कम दिखना
अशुभ लगना
ऊपर देखो
अलग-से-दिखना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Although the Israeli Navy in Haifa began broadcasting calls to commercial vessels to be on the look out for Dakar, Israeli officials would not admit the submarine was missing.
You got to look out for 'em.
Hikers can also look out for feral pigs and red foxes around the park.
Buyers often look out for crisper grains when trying to determine freshness.
Authority figures only look out for themselves.
Building names to look out for: Ross " Co, Josiah Freep, Frizby, M.
However, when two men invite Katie and Victoria to go to a casino night at Home Farm, Diane convinces Katie to go and look out for Victoria.
This page provides details on qualified seat installation processes and approved standardized marks to look out for in child restraints.
Being on the eve of the 2011 Rugby World Cup the All Blacks were on look out for a back up first five to Daniel Carter, and with Browns recent form he had become a potential candidate for that position.
Once Ishtar has a moment to speak with Duzell in private, she tells him she'll look out for him, as she has very few people to genuinely care for and who genuinely care for her.
It minimizes grades and [turn]s but travellers must look out for wildlife, and vehicles stopped on the shoulder.
It is unclear exactly why they were sent ahead of the king; perhaps it was to look out for the king's interests while Richard took a more leisurely route, or perhaps to rid the king's entourage of a family grouping around Glanvill that the king did not trust.