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without difficulty Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( without difficulty ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)

ଅସୁବିଧା ବିନା, ଶୀଘ୍ର,

without difficulty's Usage Examples:

generally other Cantonese speakers can understand Jiujiang dialect without difficulty.

release the central tension too early and allow Black to equalise without difficulty.

Solomon joined the Liberal-Progressive party after the election, and was returned without difficulty in the 1945 provincial election.

on descent from the summit) without difficulty.

sponsored legislation for the half dollar, which passed Congress without difficulty.

The disembarkation happened without difficulty, since the garrison of Auray had been beaten.

and nails well and takes paint and stain without difficulty, and modern kiln dried timber is very easy to work.

Wilson was re-elected without difficulty in the 1920 election.

the game"s development appeared to be proceeding towards completion without difficulty, LucasArts abruptly canceled production of Freelance Police in March.

Only the W"CR, which was the shortest line and was backed by the London and South Western Railway with a guaranteed dividend, was able to raise its funds without difficulty.

He swept the primaries without difficulty.

Johnston's cavalry being gone, I take it for granted that I can cross at Roswell without difficulty.

Mutual intelligibility between these TshiVenda dialects and Khelovedu is so high that speakers of these Venda dialects can effectively communicate with Khelobedu speakers without difficulty.


trouble, elbow grease, sweat, exertion, the devil, tsuris, effort, travail,


dullness, good nature, inelasticity, incredibility, effortless,

without difficulty's Meaning in Other Sites