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subsidized Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( subsidized ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)


ସବସିଡି ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ ସମର୍ଥନ |,



subsidized తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ବର୍ଲ୍ଡ ବ୍ୟାଙ୍କ ଚାଷୀଙ୍କୁ ସବସିଡି ଦେବାରେ କିଛି ବାଧକ ରଖିଛି, ସାର ବ୍ୟବହାରରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ପରିବେଶ କ୍ଷତିଗ୍ରସ୍ତ ଓ ମାନବ ସ୍ୱାସ୍ଥ୍ୟ ହାନୀ ହେବାର ସମ୍ଭାବନା ଅଛି ଓ ଅନେକ ସୋସାଇଟି ଏହାକୁ ବିରୋଧ କରୁଛନ୍ତି ।

|ଘରୋଇ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠାନ|ବେସରକାରୀ ଓ ବିଶ୍ୱାସ ଆଧରିତ ଘରୋଇ ଅନୁଷ୍ଠନମାନ ଲାଭକାରୀ ଡାକ୍ତରୀ ସଂସ୍ଥା, ଫର୍ମାସୀ ଓ ଔଷଧ ଦୋକାନମାନଙ୍କୁ ମୁକ୍ତ ବା ସବସିଡି ଆକାରରେ ସାହାଯ୍ୟ ଦେଉଥିଲେ ।

subsidized's Usage Examples:

frequently placed on contraceptive products, such as condoms, diaphragms, spermicidal gel, and IUDs (for instance, on the government-subsidized Nirodh condoms.

He also marshaled the dormant National Mortgage Bank to extend subsidized loans to new homeowners, often at interest rates well below inflation.

been released in the United States for Cricket Wireless and MetroPCS unsubsidized.

After the Carnation Revolution in 1974, the Portuguese paper industry was nationalized and became highly subsidized by State funds.

Also, governments often enact measures such as tax cuts or subsidized financing to encourage and facilitate [ownership].

The term is often translated as "compensated dating" or "subsidized dating".

(1965), Zagazig University (1978), Suez Canal University (1989), where tuition fees are totally subsidized by the government.

In addition to their wages, they may receive benefits, such as subsidized [care], paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan.

Mortgage Revenue Bond Loan or bond loan is a type of mortgage loan where the cost of borrowing is partially subsidized by a mortgage revenue bond.

Air service had been subsidized by the federal Essential Air Service program until February 2007, when Big Sky Airlines began providing subsidy free service The Big Sky service was suspended in January 2008 when this air carrier went out of business.

The Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) rate was also subsidized at just 7 cents per minute from 2001 to early 2007, and a lower CAT rate would have required even greater subsidy; other Canadian companies can offer lower CAT rates without subsidization.

translated as "compensated dating" or "subsidized dating".

The Council also has a number of committees that deal with specific areas, such as Governance, Finance, Member Services, UPass (A subsidized student bus pass) and the Health and Dental Insurance Plan.


supported, subsidised,


unsupported, unwarranted, baseless,

subsidized's Meaning in Other Sites