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subordination Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( subordination ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)

ଅଧୀନତା, ଦାଖଲ,


ଅଧୀନତା |, ଆଜ୍ଞା,

subordination తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

| ଇତିହାସ |ରାଜକୀୟ ସମୟରେ ମୋଗଲ ସମ୍ଭ୍ରାଜ୍ୟ ଅଧୀନରେ ଥିବା କେତେକ ରାଜ୍ୟ ଅନେକ ପୂର୍ବରୁ ବ୍ରିଟିଶମାନଙ୍କ ଅଧୀନତା ସ୍ୱୀକାର କରିଥିବା ବେଳେ ଏହି ଅଞ୍ଚଳର ଦୁଇଟି ଦଳର ପାର୍ବତ୍ୟ ଆଞ୍ଚଳ ରାଜ୍ୟ ଖୁବ ପରେ 2ଟି ସମର ଓ ବିଦ୍ରୋହ ପରେ ବ୍ରିଟିଶ ଅଧୀନକୁ ଆସିଥିଲେ ।

| ଶାସକ ବୃନ୍ଦ |ଶାସକ ମାନେ ବୁନ୍ଦେଲା ରାଜପୁତ ବଂଶର ଥିଲେ ଓ ବ୍ରିଟିଶ ଅଧୀନରେ 11 ତୋପ ସମ୍ମାନର ଅଧୀନତାରେ ଥିଲେ ।

ଏହା ପରେ ଇଂରେଜମାନଙ୍କର ଅଧୀନତା ସ୍ୱୀକାର କରିବାପାଇଁ ଆଗ୍ରହ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରି ଆଠମଲ୍ଲିକର ସାମନ୍ତଙ୍କ ସହିତ ବୌଦର ରାଜା ଏକ ସ୍ମାରକପତ୍ର ସହ ଜଣେ ଏଜେଣ୍ଟଙ୍କୁ କଟକ ବ୍ରିଟିଶ କମିଶନରଙ୍କ ପାଖକୁ ପଠେଇଥିଲେ ।

subordination's Usage Examples:

demotion of Marien Ngouabi (the future President) who was accused of insubordination.

PlotIn a British Army glasshouse (military prison) in the Libyan desert, prisoners convicted of service offences such as insubordination, being drunk while on duty, going AWOL or petty theft are subjected to repetitive drill routines as a punishment in the blazing desert heat.

members of his own crew for insubordination, Jeltz enjoys torturing hitchhikers on board his ship by reading his poetry at them, then having them thrown.

Before long, Scott-Padget is confined to quarters as punishment for insubordination.

Otherwise, subordination in Quechua can be expressed by means of suffixes and infixes like -pti- and -spa or (to substitute relative clauses) -q, -sqa and -na.

The 1st Brigade has two paratroop companies in its subordination.

(2000), Differential subordinations.

Prince John exhibited some repetitive behaviours as well as regular misbehaviours and insubordination: "he simply didn"t understand he needed to [behave].

extraordinary, incoordinate, incoordination, infraorder, inordinate, inordination, insubordinate, insubordination, ordain, ordainment, order, ordinal,.

professionalism: unwavering subordination to civilian control and nonparticipation in politics.

He denied being Unitarian, Arian or Socinian but he did have a subordinationist view of Christ.

However, Marx"s view of classlessness was not the subordination of society to a universal interest (such as.

ethnocentrism, anthropocentrism, speciesism and other forms of dominating hierarchies in which the subordination of one person or group to another is internalized.


domination, mastery,


intransitivity, disobedience, unskillfulness,

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