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desexualise Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( desexualise ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)

ସିଧାସଳଖ ପରସ୍ପରର ଦିଗରେ କମଲସାପୁରନା କମିଟିର |,

desexualise's Usage Examples:

have been used in a series of advertisements designed to normalise and desexualise female breasts.

the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, but the book deems this a desexualised aspect of femininity that suppresses the sacred feminine.

Freudianism, claims that the dichotomy between object libido and the desexualised ego libido that centres on narcissistic identification can not be combined.

feminine beauty Yōkihi Kannon usually sport a moustache designed to desexualise the icon and demonstrate how the capacity for enlightenment does not.

Christian magazine, said he was impressed by how the host country had desexualised their culture: "There was a reason Iranians burned their cinemas during.

unusually allowed to share a room with her male cousins, due to notions that desexualise disabled girls.


vasectomise, fix, demasculinize, desex, sterilize, spay, emasculate, operate on, sterilise, neuter, castrate, desexualize, vasectomize, demasculinise, alter, unsex, operate,


unchain, unwire, unstaple, unpin, detach,

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