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contradiction in terms Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( contradiction in terms ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)

ସର୍ତ୍ତାବଳୀରେ ନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରଣ,


ବିରୋଧୀ ବିବୃତ୍ତି |, ଆତ୍ମ-ପ୍ରତିବାଦ |,

contradiction in terms's Usage Examples:

intellectual chaos), but the expression "collective rights" is a contradiction in terms.

A more general meaning of "contradiction in terms" (not necessarily for rhetoric effect) is recorded by the OED for.

the Antwerp Six when the idea of Belgian fashion seemed like a contradiction in terms.

The term "Jesuit Ivy" was somewhat of a contradiction in terms.

was in principle impossible, because "feminist pornography is a contradiction in terms" or "an oxymoron", and that whatever was feminist but appeared to.

a contradiction in terms.

"Peaceful warrior" is far more than a contradiction in terms.

refers to the ability to shape-shift but is, taken literally, a contradiction in terms since in Old English the word "wer" means man.

Although seemingly a contradiction in terms, at least one cubomania has been made with triangular shapes, rather.

writer Susie Bright pointed out that women"s pornography "is a contradiction in terms for many people, so convinced are they that pornography represents.

the argument that atheism is a religion has been described as a contradiction in terms.

would, after all, agree with him that a "Christian republic" is a contradiction in terms" and that the two live "in an uneasy relationship in actual states.

Contradictio in terminis (Latin for contradiction in terms) refers to a combination of words whose meanings are in conflict with one another.


paradox, contradiction, falsity, antinomy, falsehood, untruth,


truth, reality, genuineness, inaccurate, quality,

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