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backout Meaning in Odia (Oriya). ( backout ଶବ୍ଦର ଓଡିଆ ଅର୍ଥ)

ପଛକୁ ଯିବା, ଶିଫ୍ଟ,


ଡିମ୍ ରାତି |, ଅନଲିଟ୍ |, ଲ୍ୟାମ୍ପଲେସ୍ |,

backout తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ଆନ୍ୟୁରିଜ୍ମ୍(କାନ୍ଥ ଆଶିଂକ ଫୁଲିଯିବା), ମାଂସପେଶୀ ଫାଟିଯିବା, ମାଇଟ୍ରାଲ ଭଲ୍ଭଠାରେ ରକ୍ତ ପଛକୁ ଯିବା ଓ ଆରିଦ୍‌ମିଆ ହେବା ଇତ୍ୟାଦି ଜଟୀଳତା ପ୍ରାଣ ଘାତକ ହୁଏ ।

backout's Usage Examples:

best to prevent the sponsors from seeing rehearsals, fearing they would backout due to Minnelli"s short skirts.

"Anupam Kher"s backout hurt Neha Dhupia".

Capsule"s capture ring on 28 October 2020, the spacecraft performed a "backout check", which commanded the TAGSAM arm to back out of the capsule.

or communications failure occurs because the transaction disposition (backout or commit) may be in-doubt if one of the communicating nodes has not recovered.

ph/2015/12/poe-kailangan-bang-umatras/ "Mar urges Poe to backout for him to win" Check |url value (help).

The backout plan must also be tested.

This is very un-Sikh-like to backout [sic] from one"s commitment at the last moment".

If not addressed in the plan/scope, the desire for a backout plan should be expressed, particularly for high-risk changes that have.

disk until commit, so UNDO (before image) logging is not needed, nor is a backout function.

backout's Meaning in Other Sites