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apperception Meaning in marathi ( apperception शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

धारणा, आत्मनिरीक्षण, भावनिक समज, आत्मभान,

अशी प्रक्रिया जिथे एखाद्या वस्तूचे समजलेले गुण भूतकाळातील अनुभवाशी संबंधित असतात,



apperception मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्या सुमारास साळुंखे यांनी चार्वाकावर लिहिलेली लेखमाला वाईच्या नवभारत मासिकात प्रकाशित झाली आणि दुसऱ्या बाजूने किर्लोस्कर मासिकाच्या जून १९८१च्या अंकात मराठा समाजावरील आत्मनिरीक्षणात्मक स्वरूपाचा गाजलेला लेख प्रसिद्ध झाला.

हे दैनंदिन स्वयं-ध्यान आणि आत्मनिरीक्षण करण्याचे एक साधन म्हणून देखील वापरले जाऊ शकते.

मागच्या वाक्यात थोडासा स्थितिवर्णनात्मक असे म्हणण्याचे कारण असे की आपल्याला काय "दिसत आहे" ह्या गोष्टीचे आत्मनिरीक्षणही सरतेशेवटी "शास्त्रीय मोजमाप" वापरून आपल्याला कुठे करता येते? आपली सगळी मते आणि बरोबर/चूक निष्कर्ष ह्या गोष्टी वास्तविक स्थितिवर्णने असल्याची चुकीची कल्पना बहुतांश माणसे आपल्या मनात बाळगत असतात.

शेवटी, अत्यंत आत्मनिरीक्षण केल्यानंतर लेनला हे कळते की तिच्याकढे सर्वांच्या मनांवर व वास्तविकतेवरही तिची संपूर्ण सत्ता आहे.

apperception's Usage Examples:

They used the term apperception to refer to the process of projecting fantasy imagery onto an objective stimulus.

probability connections between subsequent impressions (also called "apperceptions") of the consciousness".

He saw apperception as more pivotal in the classroom.

Thematic apperception test (TAT) is a projective psychological test developed during the 1930s by Henry A.

appease appeasement appellant appellation appellee apperception appertain appetence appetite application applique apply (Old Fr.

"more artificially produced dhyana", resulting in the cessation of apperceptions and feelings.

themselves in a mirror (literal) or other symbolic contraption which induces apperception (the turning of oneself into an object that can be viewed by the child.

and reacts to objective or experimenter-defined stimuli, as well as apperceptions and subjectively defined stimuli Cognitive Social and Physiological.

In 1935, Murray and Morgan developed the concept of apperception and the assumption that everyone's thinking is shaped by subjective processes, the rationale behind the Thematic apperception test.

Anschauungen, immediate sensory experiences, often awkwardly translated as "apperceptions", which belong to perceptual spaces.

projective tests, specifically one he had developed, known as the thematic apperception test (TAT).

which an aggregate or "mass" of presentations becomes systematized (apperceptions-system) by the accretion of new elements, either sense-given or as a.

This theory appears in various early and middle Upanishads, and parallels Immanuel Kant's doctrine of the affinity of phenomena built on the synthetic unity of apperception.


basic cognitive process,


inattention, attention,

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