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zante Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

zante ka kya matlab hota hai


zante शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


इस बैठक के बाद माराडोना ने दावा किया कि वे एक "महान व्यक्ति" (स्पेनिश में "उन ग्रेंडे") से मिलने के लिए आए थे परन्तु उनकी मुलाकात एक विशाल व्यक्ति से हुई है (स्पेनिश में "उन जिजांटे", अर्थात् वे महान से भी ज़्यादा महान हैं)।

zante's Usage Examples:

IONIAN ISLANDS, the collective name for the Greek islands of Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, Santa Maura, Ithaca, Cythera (Cerigo) and Paxo, with their minor dependencies.

He founded a dynasty, though not of kings, in Cephalonia and Zante.

Corfu, the possession of Agathocles and Roger, with Durazzo, Cephalonia and Zante, was granted by William to his admiral Margarito with the strange title of king of the Epeirots.

He undertook the long and perilous journey from Sardis to the Persian capital Susa, visited Babylon, Colchis, and the western shores of the Black Sea as far as the estuary of the Dnieper; he travelled in Scythia and in Thrace, visited Zante and Magna Graecia, explored the antiquities of Tyre, coasted along the shores of Palestine, saw Gaza, and made a long stay in Egypt.

The British admiral had barely anchored at Zante before he was informed that the sultan's forces were putting to sea.

The allies, who were in want of stores, now separated, Codrington going to Zante and de Rigny to Cervi, where his store ships were.

from Zante, but only about 8 m.

Herodotus describes the oil pits near Ardericca (near Babylon), and the pitch spring of Zacynthus (Zante), whilst Strabo, Dioscorides and Pliny mention the use of the oil of Agrigentum, in Sicily, for illumination, and Plutarch refers to the petroleum found near Ecbatana (Kerkuk).

The Greek constitution admits no religious disabilities, but anti-Semitic riots in Corfu and Zante in 1891 caused much distress and emigration.

Caimi the present Jewish communities of Greece are divisible into five groups: (r) Arta (Epirus); (2) Chalcis (Euboea); (3) Athens (Attica); (4) Volo, Larissa and Trikala (Thessaly); and (5) Corfu and Zante (Ionian Islands).

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