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worrisome Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

worrisome ka kya matlab hota hai



चिंताप्रद, क्लेशकर,

worrisome शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

জজজ गीता, भागवत तथा सूरसागर ने निर्गुण भक्ति को अगम्य तथा क्लेशकर कहा है, परन्तु वैष्णव भक्ति का प्रथम युग जो निवृत्तिप्रधान तथा ज्ञान-ध्यान-परायणता का युग है, निर्गुण भक्ति से ही संबद्ध है।

विकृति का तात्पर्य है प्रत्याशित से विपरीत अथवा विलक्षण कोई ऐसा वैचित्र्य, कोई ऐसा बेतुकापन, जो हमें प्रीतिकर जान पड़े, क्लेशकर न जान पड़े।

worrisome's Usage Examples:

The most worrisome issues exhibited by school age kids may include intense grief and crying, feeling rejected, violent acting out, excessive anger, sleep or eating disturbances and random physical symptoms like an upset tummy or headache.

Another worrisome aspect of using offshore SEO is the difference in laws - many overseas companies have different standards of copyright and licensing laws, which can come back and reflect badly on your firm.

However, adults can better handle a vitamin D deficiency than children, so their symptoms of osteomalacia may not seem as worrisome, acute or pressing.

Kennel cough in working canines can be particularly worrisome, simply due to their natural need for activity.

It's hard to say how long she has, but it is worrisome that she is not using the litter box much and is drinking a lot.

Adding an animal print to your bedroom certainly doesn't have to be a worrisome venture, especially if the print in question is the classic zebra one.

worrisome developments in Asian countries, in particular in China.

To new parents, it often feels like they are feeding their infant all the time, and this can be stressful and worrisome.

Maybe it was the unknown that was so worrisome.

Although the threat of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is always worrisome for parents, the statistics have plummeted significantly since the early eighties.


reassurance, unreassuring,


loose, shallow, clear, unimportant, light,

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