wilful Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
wilful ka kya matlab hota hai
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wilful शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
|1948 || ज़िद्दी || ||।
टीकाकार ज़िद्दी का प्रयोग निम्न में से किसी के संदर्भ में किया जा सकता है:।
| rowspan"4" |१९९७ || ज़िद्दी || जया ||।
|1997 || ज़िद्दी || ||।
|1964 || ज़िद्दी || ठाकुर महेन्द्र सिंह ||।
1966 में बनी हिन्दी फ़िल्म ज़िद्दी 1964 में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फ़िल्म है।
|1964 || ज़िद्दी || ||।
জজজ इसमें व्यंग्य यह होता था कि गाँधीजी के व्यक्तित्व से प्रभावित लेकिन अपनी बात पर अड़े रहने वाले एक ज़िद्दी व्यक्ति।
उन्होंने 1946 से 1963 तक फिल्मों में मुख्य नायिका की भूमिका निभाई, जिसमें दो भाई (1947), शहीद (1948), ज़िद्दी (1948 फिल्म), शबनम (1949), नदिया के पार (1948), पारस (1949), नमूना (1949), आरजू (1950), झांझर (1953), आबरू (1953), नाइट क्लब (1958), जेलर (1958), बडे सरकार और गोदान (1963) को उनके करियर का सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन माना जाता है।
wilful's Usage Examples:
In spite of the long neglect, wilful vandalism and ill-judged restoration which the Alhambra has endured, it remains the most perfect example of Moorish art in its final European development, - freed from the direct Byzantine influences which can be traced in the cathedral of Cordova, more elaborate and fantastic than the Giralda at Seville.
European research has clearly proved that the text in the Vedas adduced to authorize the immolation of widows was a wilful mistranslation.
The purport, then, of ablutions is to remove, not dust and dirt, but the - to us imaginary - stains contracted by contact with the dead, with childbirth, with menstruous women, with murder whether wilful or involuntary, with almost any form of bloodshed, with persons of inferior caste, with dead animal refuse, e.g.
Wilful desertion by, or exile of, the husband dissolved the marriage, and if he came back he had no claim on her property; possibly not on his own.
Grounds for divorce are impotence of either party at time of marriage, previous marriage, adultery, wilful desertion for two years, habitual drunkenness, attempt on life, extreme and repeated cruelty, and conviction of felony or other infamous crime.
These misunderstandings, frequently wilful, extended often beyond the domain of pure politics.
In the case of Tearchus, the miscellaneous levies which he employed himself and those which composed the Egyptian and Assyrian armies opposed to him, and the lands that Egypt and Ethiopia traded with, must all have been counted, partly through misunderstanding, partly through wilful perversion, to his empire.
In the case of the former, claim is laid to the unbroken episcopal succession through the Waldenses, and the question of their eventual intercommunion with the Anglican of the Sermon against Wilful Rebellion," ed.
She is very quick-tempered and wilful, and nobody, except her brother James, has attempted to control her.
He is notorious for his wilful exaggeration, both in narrative and numerical statements.
voluntary, willful,
good, tractable, involuntary,