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were Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

were ka kya matlab hota hai


were शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

सेठ गोविन्ददास इसे राष्ट्रीय लिपि घोषित करने के पक्ष में थे

(ग) यह भी हो सकता है कि "नागर" जन इसमें लिखा करते थे, अत: "नागरी" अभिधान पड़ा और जब संस्कृत के ग्रंथ भी इसमें लिखे जाने लगे तब "देवनागरी" भी कहा गया।

ये ‘देशी’ शब्द जनभाषा के प्रचलित शब्द थे, जो स्वभावतः अप्रभंश में भी चले आए थे

हिन्दी को राष्ट्रभाषा कहने के एक हिमायती महात्मा गांधी भी थे, जिन्होंने 29 मार्च 1918 को इन्दौर में आठवें हिन्दी साहित्य सम्मेलन की अध्यक्षता की थी।

आधुनिक मानव या होमो सेपियन्स अफ्रीका से भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में ५५,००० साल पहले आये थे

आचार्य विनोबा भावे संसार की अनेक लिपियों के जानकार थे


उनका अभियान गीत 'कदम कदम बढ़ाए जा' भी इसी भाषा में था, परन्तु सुभाष चन्द्र बोस हिन्दुस्तानी भाषा के संस्कृतकरण के पक्षधर नहीं थे, अतः शुभ सुख चैन को जनगणमन के ही धुन पर, बिना कठिन संस्कृत शब्दावली के बनाया गया था।

'सिन्धु' सिन्धु नदी को कहते थे और उसी आधार पर उसके आस-पास की भूमि को सिन्धु कहने लगे।

यूनानी लोग फार्स को पर्सिया (पुरानी ग्रीक में पर्सिस, Πέρσις) कहते थे

अनन्त शयनम् अयंगार तो दक्षिण भारतीय भाषाओं के लिए भी देवनागरी की संभावना स्वीकार करते थे

विनोबा जी "नागरी ही" नहीं "नागरी भी" चाहते थे

इस कारण से वे इसे फ़ारसी कहते थे और यही नाम भारत में भी प्रयुक्त होता है।

(घ) सांकेतिक चिह्नों या देवताओं की उपासना में प्रयुक्त त्रिकोण, चक्र आदि संकेतचिह्नों को "देवनागर" कहते थे

were's Usage Examples:

The rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see.

His shoes were covered with mud; he had torn his coat on the thorny tree.

All eyes were on Alex as he mounted.

When the kids were settled in their room, she turned on Alex.

The houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window.

They were faithful straight liners.

My parents were deeply grieved and perplexed.

There were sparks between them from the start.

I don't know where they were planning to sit.

"You were very greedy," said the girl.


diverge, turn up, want, adhere, mill about, discombobulate, mingle, head, linger, belong, account for, answer, begin, interrelate, clean, stick by, appear, let go, underlie, run into, disagree, weigh, count, prove, rank, breathe, start, total, impend, stink, rest, fit, fall, go, embody, come, test, swing, subtend, merit, comprise, enter, recognize, require, lounge, cost, sell, wind, head up, pay, be given, confuse, throw, lean, pack, rate, object, lie, osculate, deserve, depend, lubricate, matter, press, amount, boil, stay on, delimitate, compact, mill around, hold, lurk, discord, connect, make, gape, contain, delineate, drown, buzz, broil, embellish, decorate, encounter, rage, promise, mess about, transplant, look, figure, rut, continue, draw, fuddle, stick, abound, yaw, stand by, lend, come in handy, beat, jumble, wash, tend, end, gravitate, retard, scintillate, terminate, accept, loaf, stand, tarry, coruscate, make sense, beautify, twist, grace, moon around, squat, lollygag, range, fox, remain, shine, litter, define, delimit, disaccord, point, take, moon about, bake, substantiate, measure, trim, distribute, seem, represent, balance, owe, cohere, lallygag, sparkle, suffer, deck, cut, seethe, footle, consist, cut across, hoodoo, suit, run, body forth, swim, add up, hurt, iridesce, work, cover, number, turn out, translate, bedevil, incarnate, come in for, curve, be well, incline, specify, adorn, stay, hang, yawn, compare, hail, befuddle, hum, suck, relate, loiter, feel, put out, kill, confound, need, mope, hang around, buy, account, stagnate, act,


converge, suffer, agree, be well, change,

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