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wantonly Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

wantonly ka kya matlab hota hai

प्रचंड रूप से


स्वैरता से, बेतुके तौर पर, बेहूदगी से, मनमौजीपन से, शोखी से,

wantonly's Usage Examples:

If they spring from a thick root it is not to be wantonly severed, but the soil should be removed and the sucker taken off by cutting away a clean slice of the root, which will then heal and sustain no harm.

Courbet and Royer's edition, to have been somewhat wantonly corrupted, especially in the important point of spelling.

The bill for organizing the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, which Douglas reported in January 1854 and which in amended form was signed by the president on the 30th of May, reopened the whole slavery dispute - wantonly, his enemies charged, for the purpose of securing Southern support, - and caused great popular excitement, as it repealed the Missouri Compromise, and declared the people of " any state or territory " free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States."

Hieronymus, the grandson of Hiero, thought fit to ally himself with Carthage; he did not live, however, to see the mischief he had done, for he fell in a conspiracy which he had wantonly provoked by his arrogance and cruelty.

Its princes became practically independent, and tyrannized the island, until in 1191 Isaac Comnenus provoked the wrath of Richard I., king of England, by wantonly ill-treating his crusaders.

in height, but it has been wantonly damaged.

Still thinking that foreign nations could be coerced through their commercial interests, he scouted as visionary the idea that Great Britain would go to war on a refusal to carry Jay's treaty into effect, thinking it inconceivable that Great Britain "would wantonly make war" upon a country which was the best market she had in the world for her manufactures, and one with which her export trade was so much larger than her import.

The latter, however, was slain in 1166 in consequence of having wantonly blinded the king of Dal Araide.

He used to kill sometimes, but never wantonly or continuously."

Chief among these were the extent of the empire and its organization, the financial and commercial policy of its rulers, the hostility, often wantonly provoked,.


licentiously, promiscuously,

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