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wallabies Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

wallabies ka kya matlab hota hai




wallabies शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

वे आस्ट्रेलियन ओपन में हंगरी की पेत्रा मैंडुला को हराने के साथ ही किसी ग्रैंड स्लैम टूर्नामेंट के तीसरे राउंड में पहुँचने वाली भारत की पहली महिला खिलाड़ी बन गईं।

पिछले कई वर्षों में फॉरमूला थ्री में शिरकत करने के पश्चात वर्ष २००५ में नारायण कार्तिकेयन ने आस्ट्रेलियन ग्रान्ड प्रिक्स से अपने फॉरमूला वन कैरियर की शुरूआत की।

ग्रामीण आस्ट्रेलियन अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय कृषि अनुसंधान केन्द्र व संसाधन संरक्षण तकनीक परियोजनाओं तथा दूसरी संस्थाओं से भी करार किये हैं।

यह कोड उन गोपनीयता मानकों को अपने में सम्मिलित किये है जो गोपनीयता अधिनियम में कम-से-कम आस्ट्रेलियन राष्ट्रीय गोपनीयता सिद्धांतों (NPPs) के समकक्ष हैं और इनमें कुछ कामों और व्यवहारों के संबंध में गोपनीयता की सुरक्षा के उच्च मानकों को भी शामिल किया हैं।

आस्ट्रेलियन नेशनल केनेल काउंसिल ।


रंग की वर्दी के साथ मैचों में पहली बार डब्ल्यूएससी आस्ट्रेलियन में मवेशी सोने बनाम डब्ल्यूएससी पश्चिम भारतीयों में कोरल गुलाबी, 17 जनवरी 1979 को मेलबर्न में व्हीएफएल पार्क में खेला गया था।

आस्ट्रेलियन क्षेत्र ।

wallabies's Usage Examples:

Although intimately connected with the cuscuses and phalangers by means of the musk-kangaroo, the kangaroos and wallabies, together with the rat-kangaroos, are easily distinguishable from other diprotodont marsupials by their general conformation, and by peculiarities in the structure of their limbs, teeth and other organs.

The rock wallabies are soft and woolly and often of a pretty bluish tone, and make moderately useful carriage rugs and perambulator aprons.

Opossums and wallabies, good useful furs, come from Australia and New Zealand.

Many species of wallaby are about the size of a hare; some so resemble hares that they are called hare wallabies.

The Carnivora include bears, wolverines, wolves, raccoons, foxes, sables, martens, skunks, kolinskis, fitch, fishers, ermines, cats, sea otters, fur seals, hair seals, lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes, jackals, 'c. The Rodentia include beavers, nutrias, musk-rats or musquash, marmots, hamsters, chinchillas, hares, rabbits, squirrels, 'c. The Ungulata include Persian, Astrachan, Crimean, Chinese and Tibet lambs, mouflon, guanaco, goats, ponies, 'c. The Marsupialia include opossums, wallabies and kangaroos.

With respect to their size they are distinguished as large wallabies and small wallabies, some of the latter being no bigger than a rabbit.

Huxley in 1880 briefly suggested the arboreal origin, or primordial treehabitat of all the marsupials, a suggestion abundantly confirmed by the detailed studies of Dollo and of Bensley, according to which we may imagine the marsupials to have passed through (r) a former terrestrial phase, followed by (2) a primary arboreal phase - illustrated in the tree phalangers - followed by (3) a secondary terrestrial phase - illustrated in the kangaroos and wallabies - followed by (4) a secondary arboreal phase - illustrated in the tree kangaroos.

There are some twenty smaller species in Australia and Tasmania, besides the rock wallabies and the hare kangaroos; these last are wonderfully swift, making clear jumps 8 or io ft.

The rock wallabies again have short tarsi of the hind legs, with a long pliable tail for climbing, like that of the tree kangaroo of New Guinea, or that of the jerboa.

Several smaller forms of the same general appearance are known as wallabies, and are common everywhere.


brush kangaroo, rock kangaroo, common wallaby, kangaroo hare, rock wallaby, kangaroo, tree wallaby, paddymelon, pademelon, tree kangaroo, nail-tailed kangaroo, nail-tailed wallaby, hare wallaby, Macropus agiles,

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