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vertebra Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

vertebra ka kya matlab hota hai



पृष्ठवंश का जोड़, पृष्ठवंश, बांस,

vertebra शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

दांत कई पृष्ठवंशियों के जबड़ों (या मुख) में पाई जाने वाली छोटी सफ़ेद संरचना होती है जिनका उपयोग आहार को चीरने, छीलने, दूध निकालने और चबाने के लिए किया जाता है।

जिसके सदस्यों में रीढ़ की हड्डियाँ (backbones) या पृष्ठवंश (spinal comumns) विद्यमान रहते हैं।

अधिकतर पृष्ठवंशियों में, पाचन की क्रिया पाचन प्रणाली में कई चरणों की प्रक्रिया होती है।

पृष्ठवंशियों में इसमें कई परिवर्तन होते हैं, उदा‍हरण के लिए पक्षियों में. ये प्रक्रियाएं जटिल होती हैं और इनके अतिरिक्त विवरण लगातार खोजे जाते रहे हैं।

पृष्ठवंशी पशुओं अपक्षय ।

यह पृष्ठवंशियों का प्रथम वर्ग है, जिसने जल के बाहर रहने का प्रयास किया था।

पृष्ठवंशियों के पाचन तंत्र का अवलोकन ।

इसके अलावा, कई पृष्ठवंशियों में बड़ी आंत द्रव को पुनः अवशोषित कर लेती है; रेगिस्तानी जीवनशैली वाले कुछ पृष्ठवंशियों में इस पुनर्शोषण के कारण सतत अस्तित्व संभव होता है।

विद्युतभानी प्राणी रोहू (वैज्ञानिक नाम - Labeo rohita) पृष्ठवंशी हड्डीयुक्त मछली है जो ताजे मीठे जल में पाई जाती है।

জজজकवक पृष्ठवंशी या कशेरुकी या कशेरुकदंडी (वर्टीब्रेट, Vertebrate) प्राणिसाम्राज्य के कॉरडेटा (Chordata) समुदाय का सबसे बड़ा उपसमुदाय है।

वैज्ञानिक "साँप" या "सर्प", पृष्ठवंशी सरीसृप वर्ग का प्राणी है।

भौतिकी हाँगर या शार्क एक पृष्ठवंशी समुद्री जल में रहने वाला प्राणी है।

रामायण उभयचर वर्ग (Amphibia / एंफ़िबिया) पृष्ठवंशीय प्राणियों का एक बहुत महत्वपूर्ण वर्ग है जो जीववैज्ञानिक वर्गीकरण के अनुसार मत्स्य और सरीसृप वर्गों के बीच की श्रेणी में आता है।

vertebra's Usage Examples:

Odontoid process of second vertebra in the form of a crescent, hollow above.

From both birds and reptiles the class is distinguished, so far at any rate as existing forms are concerned, by the following features: the absence of a nucleus in the red corpuscles of the blood, which are nearly always circular in outline; the free suspension of the lungs in a thoracic cavity, separated from the abdominal cavity by a muscular partition, or diaphragm, which is the chief agent in inflating the lungs in respiration; the aorta, or main artery, forming but a single arch after leaving the heart, which curves over the left terminal division of the windpipe, or bronchus; the presence of more or fewer hairs on the skin and the absence of feathers; the greater development of the bridge, or commissure, connecting the two halves of the brain, which usually forms a complete corpus callosum, or displays an unusually large size of its anterior portion; the presence of a fully developed larynx at the upper end of the trachea or windpipe, accompanied by the absence of a syrinx, or expansion, near the lower end of the same; the circumstance that each half of the lower jaw (except perhaps at a very early stage of development) consists of a single piece articulating posteriorly with the squamosal element of the skull without the intervention of a separate quadrate bone; the absence of prefrontal bones in the skull; the presence of a pair of lateral knobs, or condyles (in place of a single median one), on the occipital aspect of the skull for articulation with the first vertebra; and, lastly, the very obvious character of the female being provided with milk-glands, by the secretion of which the young (produced, except in the very lowest group, alive and not by means of externally hatched eggs) are nourished for some time after birth.

Later those pads fuse with the anterior end of the centrum of the vertebra to which they belong; where the vertebral column is rendered inflexible, the disks are ossified with the centra and all trace of them is lost.

Odontoid process of second vertebra semi-cylindrical; skull with a sagittal crest; and the condyle of the lower jaw rounded.

Sometimes the pad is reduced to a ventral semi-ring or meniscus; it retains its largest almost original shape and size in the second vertebra, the axis or epistropheus, where it forms a separately ossifying piece which connects, and coossifies with, the odontoid process (the centrum of the atlas) and the centrum of the second vertebra.

In anatomy, it is, among other uses, applied to the second cervical vertebra, and in botany itmeans the stem.

ancient vertebra) by Dr R.

They include the mandible of a mastodon and a portion of a vertebra of a large fish, both found in the Lower Madison Valley; the skull and other parts of a dog (Mesocyon drummondanus), found near Drummond, Granite county; the skull of a Poatrephes paludicola, found near New Chicago,.

The odontoid process of the second vertebra is pig-like: and the tibia and fibula and radius and ulna are severally distinct.

The ribs of the second vertebra are not represented.


centrum, spine, thoracic vertebra, apophysis, coccygeal vertebra, transverse process, caudal vertebra, cervical vertebra, back, rachis, vertebral column, neck bone, os, backbone, sacral vertebra, bone, spinal column, dorsal vertebra, lumbar vertebra,


fore, front, disapprove, boneless, black,

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