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unreserved Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

unreserved ka kya matlab hota hai



साफदिल, स्पष्टभाषी, साफ साफ बोलनेवाला, निष्कपट,

unreserved's Usage Examples:

In the political excitement which followed the war of 18J9 he found that he could not hope for the unreserved support of the king, and therefore in 1861 he accepted a professorship at Bonn, which he held till 1875.

unreserved seating, will sell in 2's.

If you can answer all of them with an unreserved yes, then you are probably in love.

He was free and unreserved in his intercourse with them, and was hurt once when they seemed to think that he kept back some of his doctrines from them.

In the reserves the trees of commercial value can only be cut under a licence returning a revenue to the state, while unreserved trees can be cut by the natives for home consumption.

unreserved section on the ground floor or in the balcony.

In Greek monachism the old Hellenic ideal of the wise man who has no wants (abraprcaa) was from the first fused with the Christian conception of unreserved self-surrender to God as the highest aim and the highest good.

Tirpitz himself maintains that his naval aspirations were directed not towards a war with Great Britain, but to the creation of a state of naval equilibrium or of German superiority, which would have enabled Germany to insist upon the unreserved cooperation of British policy in her world aims. It was probably true that Germany's policy was directed rather towards being so strong at sea as to make England unwilling to fight her unless absolutely necessary, than towards actually challenging British naval supremacy.

unreserved seating tickets in the Oak Road Stand.

(2) "For,, though affable and generous, it was impossible to penetrate him: though unreserved in his manners his frankness was limited to the surface.


demonstrative, unrestrained, uninhibited,


tame, controlled, unfree, reserved,

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