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unrecognizable Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

unrecognizable ka kya matlab hota hai

पहचानने योग्य

E.G के रूप में मान्यता को परिभाषित करना क्षति या परिवर्तन के कारण


पहचानने अयोग्य, पहचानने के नाकाबिल, पहचानने योग्य,

unrecognizable शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

४ हफ्ते: नर्म अंगों में पानी बनने लगता है, चेहरा पहचानने अयोग्य हो जाता है।


unrecognizable's Usage Examples:

A completely original poem, whatever that is, might be unrecognizable.

Since French sounds are so different from English ones, you will undoubtedly come up with pronunciations that are not only incorrect, but are virtually unrecognizable as French.

The absence of iron and the abundance of bronze in the relics of a prehistoric people is a piece of evidence to be accepted with caution, because the great defect of iron, its proneness to rust, would often lead to its complete disappearance, or conversion into an unrecognizable mass, even though tools of bronze originally laid down beside it might remain but little corroded.

Then, in the glow of yet another rocket, he saw it—a nearly unrecognizable mass of twisted red metal.

The trail left by the falling vehicle reappeared, a tear in the earth, and a piece of unrecognizable metal.

As fat is a food element essential to the carrying out of the vital energies of the cell, a certain amount of fatty matter must be present, in a form, however, unrecognizable by our present microchemical and staining methods.

But even at this stage the disease may be unrecognizable, though the symptoms are extremely suggestive.

Enveloped in a huge blue sheet, with a yard of linen as a veil perforated for two inches square with minute holes, the feet thrust into two huge bags of colored stuff, a wife is perfectly unrecognizable, even by her husband, when out of doors.

- Diagrams of various Earth of several Geoscolicidae, the nephridiopores indicate the segments; to each segment corresponds internally a chamber of the coelom which is separated from adjacent segments by transverse septa,which are only unrecognizable in the genus Aeolosoma and in the head region of other Oligochaeta.

She pointed to the two young men, almost unrecognizable in their ponderous gear of boots, rubber coat, and visored helmet.

unrecognizable's Meaning':

defying recognition as e.g. because of damage or alteration


unrecognisable, unidentifiable,


identifiable, recognizably, recognisable,

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