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unphilosophical Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

unphilosophical ka kya matlab hota hai

अ दार्शनिक


दर्शनशास्त्र के सिद्धांतो के विपरीत,

unphilosophical's Usage Examples:

" Modern biology has got beyond Aristotle's conception; but in the construction of the biological science, not even the most unphilosophical biologist would fail to recognize the value of Aristotle's attempt.

departed spirits is unphilosophical as it is unscriptural.

But in his exposition of the fundamental contradiction involved in morality elaborated with much care and illustrative argument he appeals for the most part to facts familiar to the unphilosophical moral consciousness.

And though reflection upon conduct may lead us to suppose that our past acts were determined, that desire of pleasure or the wish to avoid pain controlled our wills, the unphilosophical observer interprets, in offenders against morality, such arguments as a mere excuse.

No matter to what extent the unphilosophical thinker may be under the influence of materialistic presuppositions, he always recoils from the conclusion that the facts of his mental life have no influence upon his physical movements.

Maxwell saw that it was unphilosophical to assume a multiplicity of ethers or media until it had been proved that one would not fulfil all the requirements.

Without altogether accepting Merivale's judgment that " their principles of finance were to the last rude and unphilosophical," it may be granted that Roman statesmen never seriously faced the questions of just distribution and maximum productiveness in the tax system.

Macaulay's bluff and strenuous character, his rhetorical style, his unphilosophical conception of history, were entirely out of harmony with Morison's prepossessions.

In these works he attacked the existing theories of externality which to the unphilosophical mind is proved by visual evidence.

The unphilosophical person assumes that a tree as he sees it is identical with the tree as it is in itself and as it is for other percipient minds.

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