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unfelt Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

unfelt ka kya matlab hota hai



खुल जाना, खुलना, खोल देना, खोलना,

unfelt शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

लेकिन देशके विभिन्न भागों में कुछ विद्यालय दरबार हाईस्कूलकी शुरूवात के बाद खुलना शुरू हुए।

निकास वाल्व का कुछ शीघ्र खुल जाना, जिससे पिस्टन पर उल्टा दाब नहीं पड़ता और ऋणात्मक कार्य नहीं करना पड़ता;।

वायुमंडलीय हवा धड़कन कक्ष में डाला जाता है एक बार प्रति सेकंड (धड़कन की दर) ताकि लाइनर चूची के अंत के आसपास पतन के लिए और चूची ऊतकों में जमाव को राहत देने की अनुमति मिले. खुलना (दुहना चरण) और बंद (आराम चरण) के समय के अनुपात को धड़कन अनुपात कहा जाता है।

प्रथम भाग में बच्चेदानी का मुंह खुलना और फैलना, दूसरे भाग में बच्चे में सिर का दिखाई पड़ना और तीसरा भाग जिसमें औवल बाहर आता है।

इसकी उन्नति के मुख्य कारण हैं टेम्स में ज्वार के साथ बड़े-बड़े जलयानों का नगर के भीतरी भाग तक प्रवेश करने की सुविधा, रेल एवं सड़कों का जाल, यूरोपीय महाद्वीप के संमुख टेम्स के मुहाने की स्थिति, जिससे व्यापार में अत्यधिक सुविधा होती है, लंदन का अधिक काल तक देश एवं साम्राज्य की राजधानी बना रहा तथा अनेक व्यवसायों और रोजगारों का यहाँ खुलना

खुलना डिविजन के शहर, खुलना शहर को छोडकर:।

डाक्टर प्रफुल्लचंद्र राय का जन्म बंगाल के खुलना जिले के ररूली कतिपरा नामक ग्राम में 2 अगस्त 1861 ई. को एक कायस्थ परिवार में हुआ था।

पश्चिमी भारतीय आर्य भाषाओं की तरह सिन्धी में भी महाप्राणत्व को संयत करने की प्रवृत्ति है जैसे साडा (सार्ध, हिन्दी, साढे), खाधो (हिन्दी, खाना), खुलण (हिन्दी, खुलना), पुचा (संस्कृत, पृच्छा)।

राजशाही विभाग ढाका बांग्लादेश का एक उपक्षेत्र है इसका मुख्यालय खुलना है।

ढाका यहाँ का सबसे बड़ा शहर है, अन्य बड़े शहरों में चिटगाँव, राजशाही और खुलना हैं।

पानी कोशाओं की आशीनता के लिए आवश्यक है तथा इसके द्वारा स्टोमेटा का खुलना व बन्द होना निर्भर करता है जो कि वात विनिमय के लिए आवश्यक है।

बगेरहाट, चौडांगा, जैसोर, झेनईदह, खुलना, कुश्तिया, मगुरा, मेहरपुर, नराइल, सतखीरा।

उनका जन्म खुलना में हुआ।

वाल्व को उचित समय पर खुलना या बंद होना चाहिए एवं पिस्टन की गति के साथ उचित समय पर स्फुलिंग का निर्माण होना चाहिए।

unfelt's Usage Examples:

Its chief ideas are - (1) That, owing partly to the want of ability in historians, and partly to the complexity of social phenomena, extremely little had as yet been done towards discovering the principles which govern the character and destiny of nations, or, in other words, towards establishing a science of history; (2) That, while the theological dogma of predestination is a barren hypothesis beyond the province of knowledge, and the metaphysical dogma of free will rests on an erroneous belief in the infallibility of consciousness, it is proved by science, and especially by statistics, that human actions are governed by laws as fixed and regular as those which rule in the physical world; (3) That climate, soil, food, and the aspects of nature are the primary causes of intellectual progress, - the first three indirectly, through determining the accumulation and distribution of wealth, and the last by directly influencing the accumulation and distribution of thought, the imagination being stimulated and the understanding subdued when the phenomena of the external world are sublime and terrible, the understanding being emboldened and the imagination curbed when they are small and feeble; (4) That the great division between European and non-European civilization turns on the fact that in Europe man is stronger than nature, and that elsewhere nature is stronger than man, the consequence of which is that in Europe alone has man subdued nature to his service; (5) That the advance of European civilization is characterized by a continually diminishing influence of physical laws, and a continually increasing influence of mental laws; (6) That the mental laws which regulate the progress of society cannot be discovered by the metaphysical method, that is, by the introspective study of the individual mind, but only by such a comprehensive survey of facts as will enable us to eliminate disturbances, that is, by the method of averages; (7) That human progress has been due, not to moral agencies, which are stationary, and which balance one another in such a manner that their influence is unfelt over any long period, but to intellectual activity, which has been constantly varying and advancing: - "The actions of individuals are greatly affected by their moral feelings and passions; but these being antagonistic to the passions and feelings of other individuals, are balanced by them, so that their effect is, in the great average of human affairs, nowhere to be seen, and the total actions of mankind, considered as a whole, are left to be regulated by the total knowledge of which mankind is possessed"; (8) That individual efforts are insignificant in the great mass of human affairs, and that great men, although they exist, and must "at present" be looked upon as disturbing forces, are merely the creatures of the age to which they belong; (9) That religion, literature and government are, at the best, the products and not the causes of civilization; (10) That the progress of civilization varies directly as "scepticism," the disposition to doubt and to investigate, and inversely as "credulity" or "the protective spirit," a disposition to maintain, without examination, established beliefs and practices.

Per contra the tax was wholly unfelt, a shilling a quarter only affecting an average family of four persons to the extent of three shillings per annum, or about three farthings a week, while it was paid little by little, as Adam Smith explains with regard to indirect taxes in general.

Under the Persian rule perhaps it was more difficult for Greek manners to spread far east; but we need not think that European influence was absolutely unfelt even in Phrygia.

A type of instrument which has sufficient sensibility to record the various phases of unfelt earthquake motion, and which, at the suggestion of a committee of the British Association, has been adopted at many observatories throughout the world, is shown in fig.

It is quite unfelt in the rest of Afghanistan, in which, as in all the west of Asia, the winter rains are the most considerable.

Soon they were in the aspens; green-yellow leaves whispering in the almost unfelt breeze.

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