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triune Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

triune ka kya matlab hota hai


एक में तीन होने के नाते; विशेष रूप से ईसाई ट्रिनिटी का उपयोग किया जाता है



triune शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

विष्णु के गुणों में भी त्रयात्मकता परिलक्षित होती है।

त्वं मूलाधारस्थितोऽसि नित्यम् ॥ त्वं शक्तित्रयात्मकः।


सिद्धान्तसंहिताहोरारुपं स्कन्धत्रयात्मकम्।

उन्होंने कई लेखों (अ थिअरी ऑफ़ सेमिऑटिक्स, La struttura assente, Le signe, La production de signes) में "आइकनिज़्म" या "आइकॉनिक संकेतों" (सूचक, आइकन और प्रतीकों के आधार पर पियर्स के विख्यात त्रयात्मक संबंध से लिया गया) की आलोचना की, जिसके लिए वे संकेत उत्पादन की चार विधियां प्रस्तावित करते हैं: मान्यता, प्रदर्शन, प्रतिकृति और आविष्कार.।

triune's Usage Examples:

Mayor's show in London is the most conspicuous survival; the processions connected with royal coronations and with court ceremonies generally; the processions of friendly societies, so popular in Great Britain and America; processions organized as a demonstration of political or other opinions; processions forming part of the ceremonies of public worship. In a narrower sense of "going forth, proceeding," the term is used in the technical language of theology in the phrase "Procession of the Holy Ghost," expressing the relation of the Third Person in the Triune Godhead to the Father and the Son.

He had apparently identified himself with the " Illyrian " party, had broken off all communications with the Hungarian government, and, in spite of an imperial edict issued in response to the urgency of Batthyani, had summoned a diet to Agram, which on the 9th of June decreed the separation of the " Triune Kingdom " from Hungary.

They had understood moon goddesses to be triune for millennia.

Besides the Triune God there is no other object of divine worship, but homage (inrepSovXia) may be paid to the Virgin Mary, and reverence (SovXia) to the saints and to their pictures and relics.

Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."

The special characteristic of its theology is in the first part where it owes most to the teaching of Augustine, who in his striving after self-knowledge analysed the mystery of his own triune personality and illustrated it with psychological images, " I exist and I am conscious that I exist, and I love the existence and the consciousness; and all this independently of any external influence."

triune brain, that is, three brains in one.

Meanwhile the newly constituted " Party of Right," resting upon a narrow Catholic clerical basis, aimed at the reunion of Dalmatia with CroatiaSlavonia in the so-called Triune Kingdom, within whose bounds it affected to deny the very existence of Serbs.

In the West trine immersion was generally held to be symbolic of the triune name of "Father, Son and Holy Ghost."

This pure being is God, and must be distinguished from the triune God as known to us.

triune's Meaning':

being three in one; used especially of the Christian Trinity




single, one-man,

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