transubstantiation Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
transubstantiation ka kya matlab hota hai
रोमन कैथोलिक सिद्धांत है कि रोटी का पूरा पदार्थ और शराब के शरीर के पदार्थ और मसीह के खून के पदार्थ में बदल जाता है जब यूचरिस्ट में पवित्र होता है
तत्व परिवर्तन,
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transubstantiation शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
तत्व परिवर्तन या फिर सांस्कारिक मिलन से हैं।
transubstantiation's Usage Examples:
As early as 1538 he had repudiated the doctrine of Transubstantiation; by 1550 he had rejected also the Real Presence (Pref.
A priest, saying mass at the church of Santa Catarina at Bologna, was troubled, after the consecration, with grave doubts as to the truth of the doctrine of transubstantiation.
The doctrine of transubstantiation was defined by the Lateran Council in 1215, and shortly afterwards the elevation and adoration of the Host were formally enjoined.
A Bohemian priest, sceptical of the doctrine of transubstantiation, was convinced of its truth by the appearance of drops of blood on the host he was consecrating.
The Commons followed up their blow by passing the Test Act, making the reception of the sacrament according to the forms of the Church of England, and the renunciation of the doctrine of transubstantiation, a necessary qualifica- ~ Test tion for office.
If so, parliament was told that temporal possessions ruin the church and drive out the Christian graces of faith, hope and charity; that the priesthood of the church in communion with Rome was not the priesthood Christ gave to his apostles; that the monk's vow of celibacy had for its consequence unnatural lust, and should not be imposed; that transubstantiation was a feigned miracle, and led people to idolatry; that prayers made over wine, bread, water, oil, salt, wax, incense, altars of stone, church walls, vestments, mitres, crosses, staves, were magical and should not be allowed; that kings should possess the jus episcopale, and bring good government into the church; that no special prayers should be made for the dead; that auricular confession made to the clergy, and declared to be necessary for salvation, was the root of clerical arrogance and the cause of indulgences and other abuses in pardoning sin; that all wars were against the principles of the New Testament, and were but murdering and plundering the poor to win glory for kings; that the vows of chastity laid upon nuns led to child murder; that many of the trades practised in the commonwealth, such as those of goldsmiths and armourers, were unnecessary and led to luxury and waste.
If these aren't implausible enough you can add belief in miracles or the literal transubstantiation of wine into blood.
He was therefore naturally invited to defend the doctrine of transubstantiation against the attacks of Berengar of Tours.
1 The word Transubstantiation is not found earlier than the 12th century.
The transubstantiation doctrine seemed to him full of evil, from its tendency to lead men to overvalue what was sensuous and transitory.
transubstantiation's Meaning':
the Roman Catholic doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and the wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the Eucharist
conversion, transmutation,
strengthening, weakening, Athanasianism,