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transfiguration Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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transfiguration शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

वैसे तो जहाँ भी दो अथवा दो से अधिक व्यंजन मिल जाते हैं वे संयुक्त व्यंजन कहलाते हैं, किन्तु देवनागरी लिपि में संयोग के बाद रूप-परिवर्तन हो जाने के कारण इन तीन को गिनाया गया है।

विभिन्न भाषाओं में कारकों की संख्या तथा कारक के अनुसार शब्द का रूप-परिवर्तन भिन्न-भिन्न होता है।

1. विकारी शब्द : जिन शब्दों का रूप-परिवर्तन होता रहता है वे विकारी शब्द कहलाते हैं।

उनके अनुसार विस्तारणा, शपथोक्ति, प्रश्नालंकार, विपर्यय, व्यतिक्रम, पुनरावृत्ति, प्रत्यक्षीकरण, संचय, सार, रूप-परिवर्तन, पर्यायोक्ति, अतिशयोक्ति आदि अलंकारों में उदात्त विद्यमान रहता हैं।


कारक विभक्ति - संज्ञा अथवा सर्वनाम शब्दों के कारक अनुसार रूप-परिवर्तन को कहते हैं।

जिन शब्दों का रूप-परिवर्तन होता रहता है वे विकारी शब्द कहलाते हैं।

transfiguration's Usage Examples:

29), the Transfiguration (ix.

an all-inclusive in which mere or pure thought is cancelled in its separateness by a transfiguration, while logic is nothing but the science of the Idea viewed in the medium of pure thought.

36; the half-foolish remark made by Peter when in a dazed condition at the Transfiguration, ix.

' Ec. 297; 6 P.C. 435), the Exeter reredos case, the privy council, reversing the bishop's judgment, allowed the structure, which contained sculptures in high relief of the Ascension, Transfiguration and Descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost, together with a cross and angels; in R.

Angelo, Tyran de Padoue (1835), the last of the tragic triad to which their creator denied the transfiguration of tragic verse, is inferior to neither in power of imagination and of style, in skill of invention and construction, and in mastery over all natural and noble sources of pity and of terror.

In pathology, indeed, Virchow's (1821-1902) influence in the transfiguration of this branch of science may almost be compared to that of Darwin and Pasteur in their respective domains.

g), and at his transfiguration " the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering " (Luke ix.

According to one theory it is the "high mountain" near Caesarea Philippi, which was the scene of the Transfiguration (Mark ix.

41-56), the transfiguration (Mark ix.

Moreover the end is not conceived as a transfiguration of the world, but as a liberation of the spirit from its unnatural union with the sensual.


translation, transformation,


acceleration, death, decrease,

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