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tragelaphus Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

tragelaphus ka kya matlab hota hai

अफ्रीकी एंटीलोप्स: कुडस; बोंगोस; न्यालस; बुशबक्स

tragelaphus's Usage Examples:

The true or smaller bushbucks, represented by the widely spread Tragelaphus scriptus, with several local races (fig.

Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis and giant eland Tragelaphus derbianus (T) are not present.

BUSHBUCK (Boschbok), the South African name of a mediumsized red antelope, marked with white lines and spots, belonging to a local race of a widely spread species, Tragelaphus scriptus.


- Female Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus).

1) are sometimes separated as Sylvicapra, leaving the genus Tragelaphus to be represented by the larger T.

Whereas most of the species have hoofs of normal shape, in some, such as the nakong, or situtunga (Tragelaphus spekei), these are greatly elongated, in order to be suited for walking in soft mud, and these have accordingly been separated as Limnotragus.

The first group, or Tragelaphinae, is represented by the African elands (Taurotragus), bongo (Boocercus), kudus (Strepsiceros) and bushbucks or harnessed antelopes (Tragelaphus), and the Indian nilgai (Boselaphus).

tragelaphus's Meaning':

African antelopes: kudus; bongos; nyalas; bushbucks

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