tradescantia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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tradescantia's Usage Examples:
Virginian Spiderwort (Tradescantia) - Perennials some of them quite hardy, of which T. virginica with its varieties is the best.
Includes a splendid image of a Tradescantia stamen hair cell which clearly shows the cytoplasm strands.
Pollen-grains are also spherical; cylindrical and curved, as in Tradescantia virginica; C From Vines' Students' Text-Book of Botany, by permission of Swan Sonnenschein ' Co.
In spiderwort (Tradescantia virginica) the hairs are beautifully coloured, moniliform or necklace-like, and afford good objects for studying rotation of the protoplasm.
Thus in fuchsia and Poinciana, it is red; in Adamia and Tradescantia virginica, blue; in Oenothera and Ranunculus acris, yellow.
Clianthus Clivia Cobaea* Coleus Coprosma Cordyline Correa Cuphea Cyclamen Cyperus Cytisus Darwinia (Genetyllis) Diosma Dracaena Eccremocarpus* Epacris Epiphyllum Erica Eriostemon Erythrina Eucalyptus Eupatorium Eurya Ficus Fuchsia Grevillea Haemanthusf Heliotropium Hibiscus Hoya* Hydrangea Impatiens Jasminum * Justicia Kalosanthes Lachenaliaf Lantana Lapageria * Liliumt Lophospermum* Mandevillea* Manettia* Mutisia* Myrsiphyllum* Maurandya * Nerinef Nerium Pelargonium Petunia Pimelia Plumbago* Polianthesf Primula Rhododendron Richardia (Calla) f Salvia Sarracenia Solanum Sparmannia Statice Strelitzia Streptocarpus Swainsonia Tacsonia* Tecoma Tradescantia Vallotaf Spring Bedding.
B, of Tradescantia fiuminensis.
Tradescantia; and in various other cells which have lost their power of division.
The cells of the staminal hairs of Tradescantia air ginica contain a large sap-cavity across which run, in.
tradescantia's Meaning':