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thrived Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

thrived ka kya matlab hota hai



फलना-फूलना, फलना, कामयाब होना,

thrived शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

टीबी मैनिंजाइटिस के लिए डेक्सामेथासोन की 8 से 12 मिलीग्राम की खुराक प्रतिदिन 6 सप्ताह से अधिक समय के लिए दी जाती है (वे लोग अधिक सटीक खुराक फलना चाहते हैं, उन्हें थ्वाईटेस दी जाती है एट आल, 2004) पेरीकार्डीटिस के लिए प्रेडनिसोलोन की 60 मिलीग्राम खुराक प्रतिदिन चार से आठ सप्ताह के लिए दी जाती है।

{| |- valigntop | ;लाल, गर्मी के शुरुआत में फलना 'nbsp; 'nbsp; 'nbsp; 'nbsp;।

सोना/पीला, प्रिमोकाने, गिरावट, पतझड़ का फलना

फलनात्मक (फंक्शनल) भाषाएँ ।

ग्रामीण क्रिकेट का 18वीं सदी में फलना-फूलना जारी रहा।

यह पता नहीं है कि इसको मकड़ी फलना क्यों कहते हैं।

लाल, प्रीमोकेन, गिरावट, शरद ऋतु में फलना

आर्थिक सिद्धान्त दो या दो से अधिक आर्थिक चरों के फलनात्मक सम्बन्ध व्यक्त करतें है, जो कुछ दी हुई शर्तों पर आधारित होते हैं।

विपणन सन्कल्पना व्यवस्थापन के रोज़ाना फलना का निर्धारण कर लक्षित ग्राहको के वर्तमान जरुरते और चाहतो को पहचानता है और उन्ही को कुशलतापूर्वक पुरी करता है।

ग्रामीण क्रिकेट का 18वीं सदी में फलना-फूलना जारी रहा।

आप फलना स्थित सतगुरु गैस एजेंसी के प्रोपराइटर हैं व आपके पुत्र का विवाह पचरंडा में हुआ।

उत्पादन फलन (Production function) : किसी वस्तु का उत्पादन उत्पादन के साधनों पूंजी श्रम तकनीक भूमि उद्यमी के प्रयोग का परिणाम होता है और इन साधनों की मात्रा के बीच जो तकनीकी फलनात्मक संबंध होता है उसे उत्पादन फलन कहते हैं।

thrived's Usage Examples:

When gold was used, and the rules protected honest commerce, productive nations thrived.

At first, the general public was amazed and impressed, as all eight babies thrived.

Originally planted on the Baltic shore for the express purpose of christianizing their savage neighbours, these crusading monks had freely exploited the wealth and the valour of the West, ostensibly in the cause of religion, really for the purpose of founding a dominion of their own which, as time went on, lost more and more of its religious character, and was now little more than a German military forepost, extending from Pomerania to the Niemen, which deliberately excluded the Sla y s from the sea and thrived 'Archbishop of Gnesen 1219-1220.

Unfortunately, about this time the Jesuits, who thus thrived on political intrigue, and who were deeply implicated in treasonable correspondence with Spain, had obtained a complete ascendancy over the secular priests, who were for obeying the civil government as far as possible and keeping free from politics.

The old religious exclusiveness had already been greatly lessened: the clergy were less powerful, heresy had thrived under repression, Anglican churchmen had come to the colony and were borne with perforce, devotion to trade and commerce had weakened theological tests in favour of ideals of mere good order and prosperity, and a spirit of toleration had grown.

His edict prohibiting all commercial intercourse with the enemy at once aroused against him the bitter hostility of the merchants of Holland and Zeeland, who thrived by such traffic. His attempts to pack the council of State, on which already two Englishmen had seats, with personal adherents and to override the opposition of the provincial states of Holland to his arbitrary acts, at last made his position impossible.

Might not the basket, stable-broom, mat-making, corn-parching, linen-spinning, and pottery business have thrived here, making the wilderness to blossom like the rose, and a numerous posterity have inherited the land of their fathers?

thrived thanks to their innovative ideas and creativity.

The plants she had started in the house in March thrived.

In spite of being a mediocre athlete at best, Dean had thrived on sports.


luxuriate, revive, boom, flourish, expand, grow,


contract, stay, decrease, shorten, shrink,

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