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theosophists Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

theosophists ka kya matlab hota hai


थॉसॉफी में एक आस्तिक



theosophists शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

The psychology of conversion. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar 1917. The religion of theosophy. Theosophist Office, Madras 1911. [https://web.archive.org/web/20070815164528/http://www.theosophical.ca/ReligionOfTheosophyBD.htm।

बालक कृष्णमूर्ति की गहरी आध्यात्मिकता को देखकर उस समय के प्रमुख थियोसोफिस्ट,सी डब्लू लीड बीटर और श्रीमती एनी बेसेन्ट ने यह स्वीकार किया कि बालक का भविष्य एक महान् आध्यात्मिक शिक्षक के रूप में विश्व का मार्गदर्शन कर सकता है।

अच्युत का अपना परिवार तथा जिस परिवार ने उन्हें पाला-पोषा वह परिवार, दोनों ही थियोसोफिस्ट थे।

१८९१ में भारत के थियोसोफिस्टों ने संस्कृत के पुनरुत्थान के लिये संगठित प्रयास किया था।

थियोसोफिस्ट , अडयार सेंटेनरी कन्वेंशन का मुद्दा, अप्रैल और मई 1983।

उनके पिता का नाम जिद्दू नारायनीय था और वे एक अवकाश प्राप्त सर्वेन्ट के साथ-साथ पुराने थियोसोफिस्ट थे।

इसकी स्थापना 1904 में, दिल्ली के थियोसोफिस्टों के एक समूह द्वारा प्रसिद्ध स्वतंत्रता सेनानी, शिक्षाविद और थियोसोफिस्ट एनी बेसेंट के बुलावे पर, पुरानी दिल्ली के छीपीवाडा में लाला जुगल किशोर के नेतृत्व में की गई थी।

इसके अलावा 19 वीं शताब्दी के अंत में पूर्वी यूरोप के रहस्यवाद और आधुनिकतावादी धार्मिक दर्शन के रूप में थियोसोफिस्ट एमएम द्वारा व्यक्त किया गया।

A few Truths about Theosophy. in The Theosophist, Adyar September 1889. [https://web.archive.org/web/20070930015040/http://www.theosophical.ca/FewTruthsAboutTheosophyBD.html]।

” वह थियोसोफिस्ट में कई लेखों की लेखिका थीं, जिनमें से वह 1980 से संपादक थीं और अन्य थियोसोफिकल पत्रिकाएँ थीं।

The metaphysics and psychology of Theosophy. in The Theosophist, Adyar 1916. und [https://web.archive.org/web/20070815205717/http://www.theosophical.ca/MetaphysicPsychologyP2.html।

The Ethico-Psychological Crux in Political Science and Art, or, Who Should be Legislators?. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar 1931. The fundamental idea of theosophy. Theosophist Office, Madras 1912. [https://web.archive.org/web/20070930015217/http://www.theosophical.ca/FundamentalIdea%20.htm।

वायुमंडलीय प्रकाशिक परिघटनाएँ डॉ एनी बेसेन्ट (१ अक्टूबर १८४७ - २० सितम्बर १९३३) अग्रणी आध्यात्मिक, थियोसोफिस्ट, महिला अधिकारों की समर्थक, लेखक, वक्ता एवं भारत-प्रेमी महिला थीं।

बिहार के लोग निकोलाय रेरिख (रूसी : Николай Константинович Рерих / Nikolai Konstantinowitsch Rerich ; 9 अक्टूबर, 1874 – 13 दिसम्बर, 1947) रूसी चित्रकार, लेखक, पुरातत्त्वविद, थियोसोफिस्ट, दार्शनिक थे।

theosophists's Usage Examples:

There is no doubt much of valuable suggestion to be found in the philosophic system, or rather the conglomerate of systems, which pass to-day under the name of theosophy; and probably much has been done by means of its propaganda to popularize Eastern thought in the West, and in the East to reawaken a truer appreciation of its own philosophic treasures; but however that may be, the serious student would be well advised to seek his information and his inspiration from the fountain-heads of the theosophists' doctrines, which are all easily accessible in translations; and to avoid the confusions and errors of writers who in most cases have but a superficial if any knowledge of the original languages and systems from which their doctrine has been arbitrarily culled.

Thus theosophists may be said to accept in their own sense the saying: "He who does the Will shall know the doctrine."

The physical methods and spiritual exercises recommended by theosophists are those inculcated in the systems known in Hindu philosophy as Raja Yoga in contradistinction to the Hatha Yoga system, which is most commonly to be met with in India, and in which the material aspects are given greater prominence.

Theosophists insist, however, that all religious observances had their origin in some mystical process, the true meaning of which has in most instances been lost.

Nevertheless theosophists by their investigations and expositions have undoubtedly been brought in touch with some of the most profund thought in both ancient and modern worlds; and this fact in itself has assuredly had an inspiring and ennobling influence upon their lives and work.

Theosophic teachings on this subject are not, however, exclusively Oriental, for following their contention that they are the exponents of the universal and unchangeable "Wisdom Religion" of all the ages, theosophists have selected from various sources - Vedic, Buddhist, Greek and Cabalistic - certain passages for the purpose of exposition and illustration.

The doctrine of Karma is with modification common to both Buddhism and Brahminism, and in their expositions theosophists have apparently drawn from both sources.

There are, moreover, numerous passages in the sacred books of the East, especially those of the Buddhists, which warn the student against the assumption that "magical" performances of any kind are to be regarded as proving the truth of the performer's teaching; and indeed it must be owned in justice to the theosophists that similar warnings are to be found scattered throughout their writings; while even Madame Blavatsky herself was wont to expatiate on the folly of accepting her "phenomena" as the mark of spiritual truth.

Swedenborg is usually reckoned among the theosophists, and some parts of his theory justify this inclusion; but his system as a whole has little in common with those speculative constructions of the Divine nature which form the essence of theosophy, as strictly understood.

He classed himself among the theosophists, and claimed to be a convinced and happy supernaturalist in a scientific age.

theosophists's Meaning':

a believer in theosophy


worshipper, worshiper, believer,


nonreligious person,

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