tatary Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
tatary ka kya matlab hota hai
यूरोप और एशिया का विशाल भौगोलिक क्षेत्र जिसे 13 वीं और 14 वीं शताब्दी में मंगोल द्वारा नियंत्रित किया गया था
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tatary शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
ब्लैक डेथ मध्य एशिया के टार्टरी मैदान से उत्पन्न माना जाता है, जो सिल्क रुट और समुद्री व्यापर मार्ग से होते हुए मुग़ल सैनिक व् व्यापारियों के साथ पुरे चीन, भारत में फैलते हुए 1346 ईसवी में यूरोप के बंदरगाह तक पहुँच गयी।
tatary's Usage Examples:
It was in the reign of Bimbisara that Vardhamana Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, and Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, preached in Magadha, and Buddhist missionaries issued thence to the conversion of China, Ceylon, Tibet and Tatary.
The history of furs can be read in Marco Polo, as he grows eloquent with the description of the rich skins of the khan of Tatary; in the early fathers of the church, who lament their introduction into Rome and Byzantium as an evidence of barbaric and debasing luxury; in the political history of Russia, stretching out a powerful arm over Siberia to secure her rich treasures; in the story of the French occupation of Canada, and the ascent of the St Lawrence to Lake Superior, and the subsequent contest to retain possession against England; in the history of early settlements of New England, New York and Virginia; in Irving's Astoria; in the records of the Hudson's Bay Company; and in the annals of the fairs held at Nizhniy Novgorod and Leipzig.
This, in brief, has been the history of its use in China, Tatary, Russia, Siberia and North America, and at present the employment of fancy furs among civilized nations has grown to be more extensive than at any former period.
The title khan was assumed by Jenghis when he became supreme ruler of the Mongols; his successors became known in Europe as the Great Khans (sometimes as the Chams, 'c.) of Tatary or Cathay.
Among these were the brothers Polo, who traded with the East and themselves visited Tatary.
tatary's Meaning':
the vast geographical region of Europe and Asia that was controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries