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tarsal Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

tarsal ka kya matlab hota hai


tarsal's Usage Examples:

The fifth (distal) tarsal segment carries a median adhesive pad - the pulvillus - on either side of which is a claw.

In most insects the leg is built up of nine segments: (1) a broad triangular, sub-globular, conical or cylindrical haunch (coxa); (2) a small trochanter; (3) an elongate stout thigh (femur); (4) a more slender shin (tibia); and (5-9) a foot consisting of five tarsal segments.

- The Rhynchophora are a group of beetles easily recognized by the elongation of the head into a beak or snout, which carries the feelers at its sides and the jaws at its tip. The third tarsal segment is broad and bi-lobed, and the fourth is so small that the feet seem to be only four-segmented.

- The families of beetles included by Kolbe in this group are distinguished by the possession of six malpighian tubes, and a great reduction in one or two of the tarsal segments, so that there seem to be only four or three segments in each foot; hence the names Tetramera and Trimera formerly applied to them.

This is a somewhat heterogeneous group, most of whose members are characterized by clubbed feelers and simple, unbroadened tarsal segments - usually five on each foot - but in some familie andenera the males have less than the normal number on the feet of one pair.

The arrangement dependent on the number of tarsal segments - the order being divided into tribes Pentamera, Tetramera, Heteromera and Trimera - was suggested by E.

Rather smaller than a squirrel, with dusky brown fur, the tarsier has immense eyes, large ears, a long thin tail, tufted at the end, a greatly elongated tarsal portion of the foot, and disk-like adhesive surfaces on the fingers, which doubtless assist the animal in maintaining its position on the boughs.

There is a tarsal, but no metatarsal gland and tuft.

I, Fore-leg and pro-sternum (S) ta, Tarsal segments.

There are four malpighian tubes, and all five tarsal segments are usually recognizable.


tarsal bone, bone, tarsus, os,


boneless, black,

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