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systematist Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

systematist ka kya matlab hota hai


एक जीवविज्ञानी जो जीवों के वर्गीकरण में उनकी संरचना और उत्पत्ति और व्यवहार के आधार पर समूहों में माहिर हैं

systematist शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

उदाहरणस्वरूप, द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के बाद जहाँ यथार्थवाद, व्यवस्थावादी, क्रीड़ा, सौदेबाजी, तथा निर्णयपरक उपागमों की उत्त्पत्ति हुई, उसी प्रकार अब उत्तर शीतयुद्ध युग में उत्तर आधुनिकरण, विश्व व्यवस्था, क्रिटिकल सिद्धान्त आदि की उत्पत्ति हुई।


इस प्रकार ये नव्य वैयाकरण बड़े व्यवस्थावादी थे।

systematist's Usage Examples:

The subject-matter of this new science, or branch of biological science, had been neglected: it did not form part of the studies of the collector and systematist, nor was it a branch of anatomy, nor of the physiology pursued by medical men, nor again was it included in the field of microscopy and the celltheory.

The early collectors of natural curiosities were the founders of zoological science, and to this day the naturalisttraveller and his correlative, the museum curator and systematist, play a most important part in the progress of zoology.

It is enough to point out that we have in his work another proof of the multiplicity of the factors which must be taken into consideration by the systematist, and another proof of the fallacy of trusting to one set of characters alone.

Thus he separates the birds of prey into three great groups - (I) the ordinary Diurnal forms, including the Falconidae and Vulturidae of the systematist of his time; but distinguishing the American Vultures from those of the Old World; (2) Gypogeranus, the secretary-bird; and (3) the owls (q.v.).

Physiology may one day very likely assist the systematist; but it must be real physiology and not a sham.

Herein he divided the class A y es into two subclasses, to which he applied the names of Insessores and Grallatores (hitherto used by their inventors Vigors and Illiger in a different sense), in the latter work relying chiefly for this division on characters which had not before been used by any systematist, namely that in the former group monogamy generally prevailed and the helpless nestlings were fed by their parents, while the latter group were mostly polygamous, and the chicks at birth were active and capable of feeding themselves.

While furnishing - almost unconsciously, however - additional evidence for overthrowing that classification, there is, nevertheless, no attempt made to construct a better one; and the elaborate tables of dimensions, both absolute and proportional, suggestive as is the whole tendency of the author's observations, seem not to lead to any very practical result, though the systematist's need to look beneath the integument, even in parts that are so comparatively little hidden as birds' feet, is once more made beyond all question apparent.

Moreover, as Professor Burmeister states in his preface, Nitzsch by no means regarded the natural sequence of groups as the highest problem of the systematist, but rather their correct limitation.

Premising then that the chief characters assigned by this systematist to his several groups are drawn from almost all parts of the structure of birds, and are supplemented by some others of their more prominent peculiarities, we present the following abstract of his scheme:-2 I.

It is quite possible that the characters of the nematocysts might afford data as useful to the systematist in this group as do the spicules of sponges, for instance.

systematist's Meaning':

a biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their structure and origin and behavior


organiser, systematizer, organizer, arranger, systemiser, orderer, systematiser, systemizer,


nonworker, docker, stevedore, dockworker, laborer,

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