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syntagma Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

syntagma ka kya matlab hota hai


शब्दों की एक सिंटेक्टिक स्ट्रिंग जो कुछ बड़े सिंटेक्टिक इकाई का हिस्सा बनती है



syntagma's Usage Examples:

Gassendi, in his De vita, moribus, et doctrina Epicuri (Lyons, 1647), and his Syntagma philosophiae Epicuri, systematized the doctrine.

s Syntagma musicum (Wolfenbiittel, 1618), pl.

On Irenaeus, and probably also on Justin, Hippolytus drew for his Syntagma (beginning of the 3rd century), a work which is also lost, but can, with great certainty, be reconstructed from three recensions of it: in the Panarion of Epiphanius (after 374), in Philaster of Brescia, Adversus haereses, and the Pseudo-Tertullian, Liber adversus omnes haereses.

26 wrote a Syntagma against all heresies (c. A.D.

A comparison of the surviving fragments of Basilides, moreover, with the outline of his system in Irenaeus-Hippolytus (Syntagma) shows that the account given by the Fathers of the Church is also in the highest degree untrustworthy.

Whether this last account, or that given by Irenaeus and in the Syntagma of Hippolytus, represents the original system of Basilides, has been the subject of a long controversy.

Closely related to this is the account in the Syntagma of Hippolytus, which is preserved in Epiphanius, Haer.

24 §§ 3-7) gives a sketch of Basilides' school of thought, perhaps derived from Justin's Syntagma.

The chief uncertainty is as to whether he knew Justin's Syntagma, and also as to whether he had access to the Philosophumena of Hippolytus in their complete form.

The Halberstadt organ, about which so much has been written, was, according to Praetorius (Syntagma musicum, Wolffenbi ttel, 1618), built in 1361, and repaired or rebuilt 1495.

syntagma's Meaning':

a syntactic string of words that forms a part of some larger syntactic unit


word string, grammatical constituent, constituent, string of words, linguistic string, syntagm,


construction, misconstruction, software, inessential,

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