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synoecism Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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synoecism शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

पुष्प के चारो भाग पुटचक्र, दलचक्र, पुमंग तथा जायांग इसमें पाएँ जाते हैं।

जायांग पाँच एवं प्रत्येक अंडप के अंतिम भाग में एक वर्तिकाग्र होते हैं।

G जायांग (कार्पेल या अन्ड़प; उदाहरण, G1 एक अंडकोषधारी)।

19. जायांगधर (hypogynous) पुष्प आद्य तथा जायांगोपरिक (epigynous) पुष्प सबसे प्रगत दशा है।

लेबियेटी कुल में पुष्य का जायांगधर लक्षण आद्य है जबकि अन्य सभी लक्षण प्रगत माने जाते है।

पुष्प प्राय: एकव्याससममित (zygomorphic), द्विलिंगी (bisexual), जायांगाधर (hypogynous), या परिजायांगी (perigynous) होते हैं।

जायांग (gynaeceum) एक कोशिकीय तथा असमबाहु (inequilateral) होता है।


यहाँ के K2 कैलिक्स (Calyx, बाह्यदल पुंज) C कौरोला (Corolla, दलपुंज); Aएंड्रोसियम (Androecium पुमंग) G गाइनासियम (Gynacium जायांग)।

लौंग के चार नुकीले भाग बाह्यदल (sepal) हैं तथा अंदर के गोल हिस्से में दल (petal) और उनसे ढँका हुआ आवश्यक भाग है, पुमंग (ardroecium) एवं जायांग (gynaeceum)।

जैसा कि ऊपर वर्णित किया गया है कि व्यक्तिक फूलों के ज्यादातर नस्लों में जायांग (pistil) और पुंकेसर दोना होते हैं।

जायांग पुष्पासन के बीच में तथा अन्य पुष्पयत्र प्यालानुमा रचना की नेमि या किनारों पर स्थित होते हैं।

गुलाब के पौधे में पुष्पासन जायांग से होता हुआ लम्बाई में वृद्धि करता है तथा पत्तियों को धारण करता है।

synoecism's Usage Examples:

LINDUS, one of the three chief cities of the island of Rhodes, before their synoecism in the city of Rhodes.

The union (Synoecism) itself was celebrated by a distinct festival, called Synoecia or Synoecesia, which had no connexion with the Panathenaea.

Traces remain of paved roads both within the agora and leading out of it; but the whole site is now a deserted and feverish swamp. The site is interesting for comparison with Megalopolis; the nature of its plan seems to imply that its main features must survive from the earlier "synoecism" a century before the time of Epaminondas.

was first formed in 470 B.C. by the "synoecism" of the neighbouring villages, the river Ophis flowed through the midst of it, and the Spartan king Agesipolis dammed it up below the town and so flooded out the Mantineians and sapped their walls, which were of unbaked brick.

Tegea was one of the most ancient cities of Peloponnesus; tradition ascribed its concentration (synoecism) out of eight or nine primitive cantons to a mythical king Aleus.

It is probable that after the time of the synoecism the nobles who had hitherto governed the various independent communities were obliged to reside in Athens, now the seat of government; and at the beginning of Athenian history the noble clans form a class which has the monopoly of political privilege.

Tradition ascribes to Theseus, whom it also regards as the author of the union (synoecism) of Attica round Athens as a political centre, the division of the Attic population into three classes, Eupatridae, Geomori and Demiurgi.

This centralization of power (Synoecism), to which many Greek peoples never attained, laid the first foundations of Athenian greatness.

The Thesean synoecism led to the introduction of new cults and the foundation of new shrines partly on the Acropolis, partly in the inhabited district at its base both within and without the wall of the Pelasgicum, Some of the shrines in this region are mentioned by Thucydides in a passage which is of capital importance for the topography of the city at this period (ii.

These structures, however, are of comparatively minor importance in point of dimensions and decoration; they were apparently designed as places of sepulture for local chieftains, whose domains were afterwards incorporated in the Athenian realm by the vuvoucccr,u6 (synoecism) attributed 1/ Attal}is y?

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