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syenite Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

syenite ka kya matlab hota hai



एक प्रकार का पत्थर,

syenite शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

खाद्य बोलस (एक प्रकार का पत्थर) बेज़ार की तरह ही होता है।

चायिल्यं (एक जडी बूटी जिसका लाल रंग है) मनयोला (पीत रंग की एक खनिज) गन्धक (sulpher), एरविक्करा (एक तरह का सरेस), नीलअमरि (एक पौधा) गोबर, वेट्टुकल्लु (एक प्रकार का पत्थर) गोमूत्र आदि कई वस्तुओं के योग से रंगों का निर्माण होता है।


syenite's Usage Examples:

Large quantities of this syenite were used in building the Assuan dam (1898-1902).

The quarries of Syene (Assuan) are famous for extremely har~ and durable red granite (syenite), and have been worked since the days of the earliest Pharaohs.

At Assuan (Syene) the well-known syenite of Werner occurs.

Among the rocks of economic importance may be mentioned granite of numerous kinds, syenite, serpentine, porphyry, marble, sandstones and marls.

The Nahuatl lapidaries had at hand many varieties of workable and beautiful stone - onyx, marble, limestone, quartz and quartz crystal, granite, syenite, basalt, trachyte, rhyolite, diorite and obsidian, the best of material prepared for them by nature; while the Mayas had only limestone, and hard, tenacious rock with which to work it, and timber for burning lime.

The basis of the islands consist of granite, syenite, diorite, diabase and related kinds of rock, porphyry appearing comparatively seldonr.

The hills, which are mainly composed of granite, serpentine and syenite, rise in irregular masses to considerable heights, the loftiest point, Victoria Peak, reaching an altitude of 1825 ft.

Geology.'--The Eastern Cordillera., which, however, is but little known, appears to consist, as in Bolivia, chiefly of Palaeozoic rocks; the western ranges of the Andes are formed of Mesozoic beds, together with recent volcanic lavas and ashes; and the lower hills near the coast are composed of granite, syenite and other crystalline rocks, sometimes accompanied by limestones and sandstones, which are probably of Lower Cretaceous age, and often covered by marine Tertiary deposits.

Great masses of granite, syenite and diorite were intruded at this period, and send tongues even into the andesitic tuffs.

The olive green syenite found on Mount Ascutney, near the Connecticut river, in Windsor county, is a hornblendeaugite.

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