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swordsmen Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

swordsmen ka kya matlab hota hai



असिक्रीड़ा करनेवाला, तलवार ले जानेवाला, तलवार चलानेवाला, तलवार से लड़नेवाला,

swordsmen's Usage Examples:

These fabled swordsmen have been the subjects of films, plays and comic books and have shown up in a variety of guises.

The winner of the swordsmen competition has the privilege of touching the ancient Picori sword, a relic that seals evil powers inside a treasure chest.

The warriors range from ninjas to swordsmen to odd guys dressed to frighten you.

They lived surrounded by multitudes of semi-servile coloni, or farmers, bound to the soil, of actual slaves, and of buccelarei, who were free swordsmen to whom they gave rations (buccelatwm, soldiers bread, or buccella, a portion).

Armagh, nor were the Irish swordsmen or soldiers transplanted into Connaught and Munster from this and some other counties.

Nineteen of these, comprising 22,180 acres, were to have been allotted to the church, and forty-two, amounting to 55,620 acres, to English and Scottish colonists, servitors, native Irish and four corporate towns - the swordsmen to be dispersed throughout Connaught and Munster.

The law of course was clear that the "punctilio which swordsmen falsely do call honour" was no excuse for wilful murder.

The advantage of position being thus lost, the Spanish infantry rose and flung itself on the attackers; the landsknechts and the French bands were disordered by the fury of the counterstroke, being unaccustomed to deal with the swift, leaping, and crouching attack of swordsmen with bucklers.


fighter, battler, belligerent, combatant, scrapper, fencer,


amicable, peaceful, civilian,

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