swede Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
swede ka kya matlab hota hai
स्वीडिश जहाज़,
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swede शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
জজজ उन्होंने टाइटेनियम के साथ हड्डी के नैदानिक रूप से पर्यवेक्षित अनुपालन को 'ओसियोइंटीग्रेशन' नाम दिया. 1965 में स्वीडन में गोथेनबर्ग यूनिवर्सिटी में एनाटॉमी के तत्कालीन प्रोफ़ेसर ब्रेनमार्क ने गोस्टा लार्सन नामक एक स्वीडनवासी मानव स्वयंसेवक के दांतों में अपना सबसे पहला टाइटेनियम दन्त प्रत्यारोपण किया।
swede's Usage Examples:
In the second-string department, highly-rated Swede Sebastian Alden fills one position, with the other taken by fellow countryman Davidsson.
A contemporary of Canton and co-discoverer with him of the facts of electrostatic induction was the Swede, Johann Karl Wilcke (1732-1796), then resident in Germany, who in 1762 published an account of experiments in which a metal plate held above the upper surface of a glass table was subjected to the action of a charge on an electrified metal plate held below the glass (Kon.
The author was a Swede, Georg Forsman, the above form being a Finnish translation.
In 1896 Sven Hedin, a Swede (1865-), left Kopa, a point about too m.
In 1575, and again in 1587, it was put up for public auction, when the Hungarian Bathory and the Swede Sigismund respectively gained the prize.
Under cultivation this root becomes much enlarged, as in turnip, swede and others.
This was the first "Hittite" monument discovered in modern times (early 18th century, by the Swede Otter, an emissary of Louis XIV.).
The name of the village was derived from a Swede, Jeremiah Dobbs, whose family probably moved hither from Delaware, and who at the beginning of the last quarter of the 18th century had a skiff ferry, which was kept up by his family for a century afterwards.
Greatest among modern Asiatic explorers (if we except Prjevalsky) is the brave Swede, Professor Sven Hedin, whose travels through the deserts of Takla Makan and Tibet, and whose investigations in the glacial regions of the Sarikol mountains, occupied him from 1894 to 1896.
Remember that Swede vamp I hooked up with in the sixties?
Kingdom of Sweden, Sverige, European, Sweden,